Animal Talent

Animals suitable for film, TV, stage or print.

  • Squiggy

    Squiggy is a hairless Chinese Crested and Japanese Chin dog.  He has a sky high mohawk, bug eyes and tongue that hangs out of his mouth at all times.  Squig's laid back personality - and rugged good looks make for "star" quality.

  • NYC & New England

    Bradley J. Van Dussen

    Aspen is an Australian Shepherd.

    Born July 4, 2017 in New Hampshire.

    Tricks include:

    • Belly (rolls onto his back)
    • Stand
    • Come
    • Stay
    • Sity
    • Dance (on his hind legs)
    • Whisper (almost like a soft sneeze)
    • Speak (bark)
    • Around (walks around a standing person and then sits on the left side)
    • Up (jumps up onto something)
    • Wave (lifts a front leg)
    • High 5 (both paws separately)
    • Car (enters the car)
    • Back up (walks backward)
    • Legs (walks between my legs while I walk)
    • Down