Bill Mootos


Boston, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):
Member's age range:
36-40, 41-45
Member's Affiliations:
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Height: 6'
Weight: 175 lbs
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Ethnicity: Caucasian / White
Skills: Voiceovers, Telemprompter, Painting & Drawing, Computers,
Public Speaking, Driving (Automatic), Typing
Portrayable & believable accents or dialects (e.g. Southern, Chinese, Spanish, German, Boston, etc.):
Boston, New York, Southern, Midwestern, Texas, English, Irish, Scottish, Italian, French, Russian, German, Spanish, RP, Cockney, British
Member's Performance Skills:
Artist-drawing, Artist-painting, Bicycling-general, Canoeing, Driving - precision, Driving - car, Ear Prompter, Frisbee - general, Host, Improvisation, Juggler - 3, Kayaker, Professional Speaker, Singer - Baritone, Singer - Bass, Snorkeling, Swimming - general ability, Teleprompter, Voices-characters, Industry Professional
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
I just finished the plays "ABSENCE" at Boston Playwrights' Theatre and "GOOD PEOPLE" with The Gamm Theatre. I've played principal roles in the recently filmed TV Pilots THE HATFIELDS & McCOYS (with Rebecca DeMornay and Virginia Madsen) and ODYSSEY (with Peter Facinelli, directed by Peter Horton). In Boston, I was cast in principal roles in the features R.I.P.D, SIREN, THE COMPANY MEN, LOCKED IN, FOUR SINGLE FATHERS, and most recently BENNY GO HOME.
Training or acting classes (class name, teacher & where):
Theater Major, Carnegie Mellon University
Wynn Handman Studio, NYC
Carolyn Pickman, Maura Tighe, Boston
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
I write and direct for theater, also work as an acting coach. My favorite hobbies include hiking, drawing and travel.
VOICE ARTISTS ONLY [you must have a professional demo to upload]: illustrative 1-word descriptions for this actor's voice (e.g. conversational, announcer, warm, etc.):
Voice: Baritone / Bass
Voiceovers: Voices, Announcer, Narrator / Spokesperson
Dialects: Boston, Maine, New York, Southern, Texas, Midwest; Irish, British,
Scottish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Australian, Spanish

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