Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Athletic build - 6'4" 265lbs
Brown hair- Brown eyes- Mustache
shirt- 17.5/36 xl-xxl
pants- 40/36
shoe- 13.5-14
hat-7 5/8
EMT-active 17yrs
Police/security/bodyguard exp
licensed to carry firearms
motorcycle license- motorcycle roadracing / motocross / car exp
football,baseball,softball,basketball,volleyball.most general sports exp.
Skating, ice hockey, skiing.
Horseback riding
martial arts
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
The Game Plan. Andy Fickmam
Locked In. Suri
principle-club head bouncer
Soul Sisters(indie). Rahman
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
Involved in youth sports
mentoring young adults
local church activities
VOICE ARTISTS ONLY [you must have a professional demo to upload]: illustrative 1-word descriptions for this actor's voice (e.g. conversational, announcer, warm, etc.):
Desiree Connolly
Hope to see you on the set soon...
Apr 9, 2010
Tracy Wilder
Apr 9, 2010