Industry Pro

Matt Bouldry of C.P. Casting


Boston, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):
Member's acting, voice or modeling website:
Member's age range:
Casting Director/Producer/Film Maker
Member's Affiliations:
Casting Director/Producer/Film Maker
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Microwaving pancakes, finding a channel that SpongeBob is on, putting the covers back on markers, and Casting...
Member's Performance Skills:
Industry Professional
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
“Manchester-by-the-Sea”* (Sierra/Affinity, Kenneth Lonergan, director)
“A New World” (HBO, pilot, Gus Van Sant, director)
"Spotlight"* (Open Road Films, Thomas McCarthy, director)
"Sea of Trees" (Waypoint Entertainment, Gus Van Sant, director)
"Untitled Woody Allen Project 2015" (Perdido Productions, Woody Allen, director)
“Black Mass”* (Warner Bros, Scott Cooper, director)
“Infinitely Polar Bear” (Independent, Maya Forbes, director)
“Odyssey” (NBC, pilot, Peter Horton, director)
“Olive Kitteridge” (HBO, 4 part mini-series, Lisa Cholodenko, director)
“Clear History” (HBO Films, Greg Mottola, director)
“The Heat” (20th Century Fox, Paul Feig, director)
“The Way, Way Back” (Sycamore Pictures, Jim Rash, Nat Faxon, directors)
"Captain Phillips” (Columbia Pictures, Paul Greengrass, director)*
“Hatfields & McCoys” (ABC, pilot, Michael Mayer, director)
“The Boston Strangler” (Investigation Discovery, documentary)
“The Makeover” (Hallmark/ABC, movie, John Gray, director)
"R.I.P.D." (Universal Pictures, Robert Schwentke, director)
“Grown Ups 2” (Columbia Pictures, Dennis Dugan, director)
“God Only Knows” (Independent, James Mottern, director)
"That’s My Boy" (Columbia Pictures, Sean Anders, John Morris, directors)
"Moonrise Kingdom" (Focus Features, Wes Anderson, director)
"What’s Your Number?"* (New Regency Productions, Mark Mylod, director)
"The Company Men”* (Company Men Productions, John Wells, director)
"The Town”* (Warner Bros. Pictures, Ben Affleck, director)
"The Social Network”* (Columbia Pictures, David Fincher, director)
"Zookeeper” (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Frank Coraci, director)
"Grown Ups” (Columbia Pictures, Dennis Dugan director)
"Shutter Island” (Paramount Pictures, Martin Scorsese, director)
"The Invention of Lying” (New Line Cinema, Ricky Gervais, Matthew Robinson, directors)
"Edge of Darkness” (Warner Bros. Pictures, Martin Campbell, director)
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
I collect new and interesting germs from my 2 children...

Comment Wall:

  • Suzanne Gillies

    Hi Matt!
    So good to see you here on this site. And by the way, I like SpongeBob too, (and my new favorite, Family Guy) Hope you have a good New Year and here's too lots of work in 2009 for all of us.
  • John Belche

    Microwave pancakes? I loved it.
  • Mike Francis

    I put my old pancakes in the toaster. Works great, not so soggy.
    Mike Francis
  • Jack Burk Goldman

    Hi Matt:

    Thanks for the casting calls. ood one yesterday, hopeful for a call-back.


    Jack Goldman

  • Heather Bonin

    Hi Matt, it's Heather again with one more quick question.  I mailed both my resume and headshot to CP Casting on March 3 and I haven't heard anything since.  Now, I understand that's to be expected, but I was wondering if you could double check for me to make sure that they indeed were recieved on their end?  Just for my piece of mind I guess, so I know for sure that I'm definately on file for consideration for projects.  Thanks so much!


    ~Heather Bonin

  • Heather Bonin

    Great!  Thank you for checking!  :-)  Looking forward to hopefully working with y'all sometime real soon!

  • Rob DiNinni

    Hey Matt, I'd love to make the audition for Feb 16th. My challenge is I have two Gigs in Dallas, TX and fly out the 14th and arrive back Tues the 19th...can I get on tape another date? Thoughts? Thanks, Rob

  • Suzanne Gillies

    Hi Matt,

    I will be in Tom Kemp's class that day, but please keep me in mind for any future auditions.

    Thank you.