Grady Oberton


United States

Profile Information:

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):
Member's age range:
Member's Affiliations:
Non Union
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Actual Ethnicity: German, Irish, American Indian, Greek
Portray-able Ethnicities: American, German, European, Irish, British
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 44
Eyes: Hazel
Hair length: Short
Hair color: Dark Blonde
Build or Body Style:
Language Fluency: English
Other: Strong Memorization skills, Attentive, Coachable, "All American"
Member's Performance Skills:
Baseball, Bicycling-general, Gymnastics, Rollerblading, Soccer, Swimming - general ability
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
Dulles-Thesis Film, Allen/Lead, Max McGillvary (Director)
Communion of the Cursed-Music Video for Ice Nine Kills, Dan Kennedy (Director)
This Is How It Starts-Web Series, Logan/Supporting, Marielle Bosco (Director)
Loud Places-Feature Film, Francis/Supporting, Dan Kennedy (Director)
Mr. Ready-Short, Son/Lead, John Galvin (Director)
Dream Sequence-Student Film, Birthday Boy/Supporting, Chi Shuaiding (Director)
Year By the Sea-Feature Film, Young Luke/Featured, Alexander Janko (Director)
Webs - Emerson Student Film, Trevor/Lead, Sofia Caetano (Director)
Salvation - Jacob Augustine Music Video, Son/Lead, Jeremy S. Collins Productions
Lydia in Love - BU Student Film, Son/Supporting, Bennet Morales (Director)
Permanent - Feature Film, Liam/Supporting, John Mosetich (Director)
Room of Tears - Screenplay Reading, Nervous Boy/Supporting, Amanda Russle-Bolio (Writer)
Blankey-NYU Student Film, Johny/Supporting, Valerie Lee (Director)
Child Mistrial PSA, Boy #1/Supporting, Hothouse Productions
Miss Bunny - NYU Thesis Film, Tressler/Lead, Taylor Ghrist (Director)
Love, Eruped - BU Thesis Film, Mikey/Supporting, Brenna Verre (Producer)
A Chance at Forever - URI Student Film, Gavin/Supporting, Alia Adams (Director)
Try - BU Student Film, David/Supporting, Dante Velasquez (Director)
Training or acting classes (class name, teacher & where):
On-Camera Master Class, Denise Simon - Boston Casting
Kids Acting for Film & TV, Jennifer Salvucci - Boston Casting
Kids Acting for the Camera, Lorna Brunelle - Boston Casting
Kids Acting for the Camera, Lorna Brunelle - Boston Casting
Kids Acting for Film & TV, Ashley Skomurski - Boston Casting
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
Church, Quincy League Soccer, YMCA Swimming

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