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October 2009 Blog Posts (5)

Thanks to Brad & Christine for organizing event Sunday at Ken's Steak House

This group owes Brad and Christine a big "Thank You" for their efforts to organize and deliver a very informative and enjoyable event.

We learned a lot about how to get the most out of the New England Actors site, how people are getting work from it, and that it has spawned 'frites' (friend + sites) across the country.

One item of note for everyone: This site is a volunteer effort by Bradley -- he has spent enormous amount of hours, creating and maintaining the site. The… Continue

Added by Mark Hetherington on October 19, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments


After 15 years in a wheelchair, I hit the ground not quite running, but walking fast through a series of adventures, exploring life’s possibilities, sampling like Goldielocks searching for what’s just right.

Formal education: home tutoring twice a week, a state school for crippled children The Cambridge School of Weston, The New England Conservatory, Emerson College, and Lesley University.

Informal education: Pinned to the ladies room door of a coffee house by Bob Dylan… Continue

Added by Zinnia (Nancy) Politzer on October 19, 2009 at 12:25pm — 1 Comment

Working in Ma as an actor. Newspaper article:

House Speaker Robert DeLeo was noncommittal when I asked him if he would support another effort to water down the tax credits. He said he needed to talk with his chairman on the revenue committee to make sure the program is effective. DeLeo was careful not to sound negative, though, and he conveyed an anecdote about one time earlier this year when he bumped into a number of Massachusetts residents happily at work on the makeshift set of a TV pilot at the State House.

DeLeo seems to… Continue

Added by Harry Thomas on October 9, 2009 at 9:57pm — No Comments

Role Play of Trouble Maker characters

I was recently hired by a Consulting Company doing research screening studies for the Police Department. They reviewed my neactor page information, contacted me and asked me to perform as a "role play actor". I had to portray a troubled character for a series of tests, interviews and evaluation of candidates to be hired as police officers.

In our actor's journey, one will never, ever know what the next job will be like.

I am grateful to our dear friend and talented colleague… Continue

Added by Nicolas Villamizar on October 6, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Hello Great Actors and Film Makers

I am excited about my new film coming out soon. The Kingsmens Redeemer. It could be one of the best projects I have or will work on. Fantastic crew, great director, excellent actors, and the most incredible script I have ever read. But then, I am biased. You be the judge. Check out the trailer at


Dave Damon

Added by Dave Damon on October 4, 2009 at 9:41am — No Comments

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