Peg Saurman Holzemer


Middleboro, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent): 1-774-213-5193 & Facebook
Member's acting, voice or modeling website:
http://i actor
Member's age range:
56-60, 61-65, 66-70, 71-75, 76-80
Member's Affiliations:
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Lic to carry a gun and shoot,Tarot Reader, Astrologer, computer, drive a car, ride a bike, bartender, drama coach, director, script doctor, improv skills and I'm a worker .see resume on Sag i actor also Facebook page.
Member's Performance Skills:
Badminton, Card Playing - Spades, Dance - belly, Driving - car, Firearms - rifles, Impressionist, Kayaker, Racquetball, Singer - Bari-Tenor
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
speaking role in The DEPARTED, GONE BABY GONE and Boston Finest(Abc pilot). Did some extra work on SURROGATES,The BOX, GROWN UPS. worked on Grey Lady role of Mickie and Finest Hours.
Training or acting classes (class name, teacher & where):
Carolyn Pickman CP Casting. Study at Bridgewater Ste University under Stephen Levine and Emerson College Maureen Shea.
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
As well as being a screen charactor actor, I'm a stage actor and director. For over 30 years I have been Producing/Artistic Director for Theatre One Productions, Inc,in Middleboro. we ar producing 6 productions one of which we are workshopping and developing 10 min play to a 2 act plaay.I hold an MA from Emerson College in Boston and an BA from Bridgewaater Universityin Bridgewater, MA. If you need a mature character actor, a ddirector, drama coach, or a script doctor, I'm your girl.
VOICE ARTISTS ONLY [you must have a professional demo to upload]: illustrative 1-word descriptions for this actor's voice (e.g. conversational, announcer, warm, etc.):
Boston & southern, announcer and conversational

Comment Wall:

  • Peg Saurman Holzemer

    Michael I will be in Boston I'm starting rehearsrls for a play that will be at the end of October. It is a series of short palys by Brecht I'm also teaching a class for seniors in Acting at the local COA and they are going to be performing 14 different scenes from famous playwrights in October and I'm in the middle of doing PR for a fundraiser for our local Animal Shelter which will be at the end of September and like you doing extra work and once in a while being blessed with a speaking role. I'm so sorrry that I can't make this coming Wednesday night but hopfully will in the future. However we still have to hook up at some point. I'm very happy and proud to hear how far you've come and still taking risks thats what its all about as encouraged in that other great comedy, BEYOND THEREPY "To risk, to risk." Blessings Peg
  • Margot Muraszkiewicz

    Peg ~ Sorry to say Boston's Finest did NOT get picked up. The networks have already announced their decisions and fall schedules. It's not even up for consideration for a mid-season. Only 'Body of Proof' was picked up, of those pilots that shot in our region! I'd hoped to get to see BF as well, as I was featured in a flashback scene as Goran Visnjic's wife. Alas, not this time!