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Hi all! I am looking for someone in Boston (I am in the Back Bay) that would be free sometime this week to work on lines with me? We can meet at a coffee shop somewhere and spend some time working on my upcoming projects, then also spend time on your upcoming projects? I have some friends who have read for me but I really do prefer to practice with other actors.... - Please do message me!!

Would love to possibly start a group that gets together once a week at my apartment to work on monologues etc.... just a thought I had :) Please email me if interested! 

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Hi, Jennifer,

This sounds like such a good idea.  I have actually been looking at the possibility of being a person who runs lines with actors.  I'm mostly a background actor and currently not able to do much, as I'm wearing braces on my teeth!  I could play a corpse, I suppose.  Anyway, I should tell you that I am probably your mother's age and that might eliminate me from the list, but would love to be of help to you or any other actor friends of yours.


Hi Jenn,

Maybe I could work with you. I'll be downtown Wednesday afternoon for a 1:30 audition.  We could do before or after it.




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