
Let us promote your be found!


  •   What is NE Actor?
  1. A site for professional actors, voice talent and print/runway models to create profile pages that industry professionals can find, review and contact talent for auditions and/or work in the entertainment industry.
  2. A site for members to promote their work (head-shots, resumes, video demos, voice demos, much more), physical traits, skills and talents, seek work, learn, experience and share their knowledge.
  3. A site for casting directors, companies, directors, agents, anyone who needs to hire an actor, etc. to find, review and contact talent.
  • Is there an annual fee?

Yes. As with all businesses, there are many costs associated with operating this site. They include, but are not limited to: high taxes, domain fees, hosting fees, rent, office expenses, site maintenance, professional fees (e.g. CPA, Attorney), customer support, etc.


  • How much is the annual fee?

$17.50/year if you live in the USA or Canada and setup a recurring payment on PayPal; year by year payments (checks, 1-time CC payments, cash etc.) are $25/year.

$24.95/year if you're a minor.

  • I live outside the 6 states of New England, can I still join?

Absolutely! NEactor accepts talent from the USA and Canada. 

  • I'm just starting out as an actor, what do I need to qualify for approval?

A professional looking 8 x 10 or head-shot! Read the Before Applying tab for more.


  • I am ONLY a Voice Artist and do not want to post a profile photo. What do I need to qualify for approval?

When submitting you'll need to provide some JPEG, so pick any image. If and when approved, a standard microphone JPEG will be sent to you for immediate uploading. You may not use your own image. We want consistency on the site and for time-starved industry professionals to be able to spot a Voice Artist easily.

  • Can I join just as a print model?

Yes. You will be required to:

  • Create a modeling album and label it with your print agent, if any.
  • Upload modeling photos that PROVE you are a paid model.

  • Will my Profile Page be private (seen by logged in members only) or public (anyone can find and review your page)?

Currently, the default mode is "public." This is because members are finding success at being contacted for auditions or work by industry professional and others who need actors - all without them having to log in or have an account. Industry professionals have informed us that they are pleased not to have to pay nor obtain a log in.
many actors are excited to learn that their profile page is easily found by Google search engines. If your Profile Page is set to "private" it 'should' not be found, but since Google is very powerful, we cannot guarantee it.


  • Can I chose to make my Profile Page private?

Absolutely! If you need or desire to keep your Profile Page private, you have 2 privacy choices (found under "Settings") as to who can find you and view your profile:

  1. "Our actors" = only members of NE Actor, including approved industry professionals (casting directors, etc.) with logins, can find you in a search and view your profile.
  1. "Just my friends" = like Facebook, only those with whom you connect as "friends" can find or see your profile.

NOTE-1: if your profile is set to "just my friends" - only logged in members who are your "friends" can find you. Your acting skills, physical traits, etc. are NOT search-able by anyone else. There are 70+ industry professionals using this site to find and contact talent. The vast majority do NOT have logins and therefore cannot be your "friend."

Note-2: if your profile is set to "Our actors" or "Just my friends" - If an industry professional visits with out a login (an account) and uses the search feature, your age range, physical traits, skills, etc. are not search-able. We have had many actors and voice talents found, contacted and hired by industry pros who do not have accounts.

  • What can I do to have the best possible Profile Page?
  1. Use the format shown on the Before Applying tab for your Physical Traits and Skills and Experience sections.
  2. Add as many Traits and Skills as you have. Review the List of Skills page under the "How To..." tab, to jog your memory of how talented you really are!
  3. Read the pages under the "How To..." tab.
  4. Your page should look something like this profile page.


  • Can I customize my Profile Page?

Yes, to a certain extent. You can customize background, colors, styles, etc. You can even move features around. It is very important to put your best foot forward when someone lands on your page. For example, a voice artist should have his or her voice player up near the very top in the middle so the person visiting the page can immediately see and click to hear his/her voice demo.

Read the Move Features page under the "How To..." tab.


  • I have the desire, but no time or skills to enhance my Profile Page. Is there someone who can do it for me?

Sure. Contact Bradley J. it takes less than 15 minutes for a 1-time enhancement and costs only $11.25 for every 15 minutes of work.


  • Who or what industry professionals use or have used New England Actor?

We have many IPs who have used the site and there are many we do not know about. Click the "Pro Using NE Actor" tab


  • Are there any casting directors using on NE Actor?

Yes. They include, but are not limited to the following: Boston Casting, CP Casting, MK Casting, Nancy Bishop Casting, Christine Wyse Casting, Brette Goldstein Casting, Between Gigs Casting.


  • Can I reference other acting web sites on my Profile Page?

Absolutely! In fact, there is a special field just for listing another acting web site. We encourage actors to have online presences with legitimate online acting resources.


  • Can I reference my personal Facebook page as my acting web site?

No. Because it is not a web site that is dedicated to you as an actor. We do encourage members to create Facebook acting "fan" pages and referencing this on their NE Actor Profile Page. Click here for an example.


  • Is there a limit to the number of videos or photos can I upload to my Profile Page?

No. However, always think about how an industry professional will perceive them. Will they get you an audition? an acting job? Will the video or photo impress a casting director?

Note: all photos are subject to approval. Please read the Review of Videos/Photos page under the "About" tab.

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New England Actor(s) is part of Corp. a Social Networking Consulting Agency. Corp. is a Natick, Mass. based organization. Please call 508-651-7900 or email Bradley at for any questions.