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Davidson Calfee on set of The Single Life Movie

The Single Life Movie is a romantic comedy starring Davidson Calfee as Dillon Brody, a restaurant manager struggling with a desire to find his soul mate. His current girlfriend leaves him for another woman. Unable to take a rejection of that magnitude, Dillon slips into depression and emotional turmoil. He chooses to end his life by taking a bottle of sleeping pills...and chokes on them. Not wanting to die by choking, he runs to the neighbor for help. Luckily the neighbor knows a thing or two about the Heimlich. Dillon returns home and takes the pills again, this time slowly, one by one. He drifts off into a coma where his present self is forced to relive a series of memories of his past relationships. When morning comes, and Dillon is forced awake by vomit, he realizes that he survived. After his brush with death, he has new zest and desire to live and help other people going through the same things learn that all people have a purpose to serve in our lives. He starts an online "Rent a Friend" business with his sophomoric high school buddies to cure the woes of the lonely. After a series of "Dates" gone wrong, his last and most hopeful customer, a quirky geologist named Corrinne, threatens to hammer the nail in the coffin for Dillon's business. Determined to save his business, and impress the girl, Dillon offers free "Dates" from his wannabe ladies man, greedy brother, Charlie. With help from his best friend Randy, Dillon finds that fate has been trying to show Dillon something about this girl for a very very long time. Dillon, however, is struggling with his own fears of falling in love, and he might also be too late as she has taken a liking to his brother Charlie.

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