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Gail Sullivan
  • Female
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Gail Sullivan knows these actors:

  • Ali McMichael
  • Michael Maggiani
  • Lin Hult
  • Lynn Julian
  • Mary Jane Brennan Sangiolo
  • Therese Lloyd
  • Jeanne Lohnes
  • Herbert Fuchs
  • Jennifer Gjulameti
  • Mary C. Ferrara
  • David Afflick
  • Carlyne Fournier
  • Susan Wyoral
  • Paul Lussier
  • Bradley J. Van Dussen

Voice Files:

Gail Sullivan Voice Demo
  • 1.
    Gail Sullivan Voice Demo

Gail Sullivan's Groups


Welcome, Gail Sullivan!

Performance Updates: recent acting endeavors, gigs or auditions:

Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Had a successful day at a Boston hospital playing a patient in a doctor’s training video."
Mar 16, 2019
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Messier Mantra shows came out well and can be viewed on Vimeo."
Jun 23, 2017
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Went to the premiere of An Older Affair at URI. The film was well received. I got lots of compliments from strangers. Some said they cried"
May 25, 2017
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"I got to give a speech at the Plymouth COA about my acting career. Fifty people attended and I got to show one of my 20 minute films also."
Apr 30, 2017
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Was a guest on Mike Messier's Mantra show this week. We filmed two half hour shows. It'll be interesting to see how they turned out."
Apr 14, 2017
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Did a film this past weekend for Brandon LaFleur at URI called An Older Affair. 2nd time working with Brandon and his crew. Fantastic!"
Apr 10, 2017
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Starred in a film for Emerson students two weeks ago. A great experience! Wonderful cast and crew to work with!"
Apr 10, 2017
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Worked in a film for Elorah Louissaint of Mass Art three weekends ago. Great team of students!"
Apr 10, 2017
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Got a lovely compliment on my acting on Thursday. Love it when people appreciate my work!"
Dec 4, 2016
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Loved working on the commercial! Got to paint with watercolors and socialize with other seniors for four hours. Made new friends too."
Nov 6, 2016
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Got my first job with Slate Casting. Looking forward to working on a commercial. Thanks Julie and Ashley!"
Oct 30, 2016
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Got an email from someone who found me on NEActors a month ago. They want me back. May not be a victory to you but it feels like one to me!"
Oct 25, 2016
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Have an audition coming up Wednesday. Fingers crossed."
Oct 24, 2016
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Had a very good paying day yesterday thanks to NEActors. Very interesting shoot!"
Oct 15, 2016
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Filmed a music video last Saturday and Sunday where they found me on NEActors. Fun shoot. Great people."
Oct 15, 2016
Gail Sullivan posted a performing update
"Had a fun day on a commercial shoot today! Met lots of great people!"
Sep 28, 2016

Profile Information

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):
For Independent films: 781-752-5952
Member's age range:
66-70, 71-75, 76-80
Member's Affiliations:
Non Union
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5' 4"
Eyes: Brown
Hair length: Shoulder
Hair color: Brown
Build: Medium

Portray-able Real sounding accents: New England, Boston

Skills: Teleprompter, Voice over, Certified Studio Camera and Field Camera operator by PAC TV and BNN TV, Certified Premiere Pro editor by PAC TV
Member's Performance Skills:
Artist-drawing, Artist-painting, Bicycling-general, Canoeing, Cry-on-Cue, Driving - car, Driving - stick shift-standard, Swimming - general ability, Swimming - back stroke, Swimming - breast stroke, Swimming - freestyle, Teleprompter
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
Film: Role: Director:

Porcelain Mind - Jean - Hogan Seidel & Vincent Rapa
Rosie's Diner- Old Woman- Wes Williams III
Theory Of Conflict-Faculty Member #1-Rahman Oladigbolu
Radial Blur- Diner # 3- Paul Gillingwater
Justice Is Mind - Helen Granger - Mark Lund
The White Lady (La Dama Bianca) - Diner # 4 - Paul Gillingwater
In Control- Gloria - Alexandra Cecchi
The Makeover - Political Supporter - John Gray
Back To One - Shelly - Kevin Lasit
Good Decisions - Margaret - Zach Buckner
The House On Broad Street- Elizabeth - Webster Lithgow
The Restaurant Diaries - Noelle Peters - Olivia Christian
Upon Life's Shores - Aunt Anna - Webster Lithgow
iMistress - Loves To Dance - Ralph Moore
In Your Eyes - Dinner Guest - Brin Hill
The Golden Scallop - Contest Patron - Joseph Laraja


The Sunshine Boys - Patient - Conni DeLigo

Internet Web Series:

Boston Taps - Irate Pharmacy Customer - Christopher Burke


Actor's Studio Cape Cod - Featured Guest - Kevin Lasit
It's Never Too Late (Money Makeover) - Lydia - Penelope Tzougros
Keep Your Hands Off, (Money Makeover) - Financial Planner - Penelope Tzougros
The House, (Money Makeover) - Financial Planner - Penelope Tzougros
The Inheritance, (Money Makeover) - Aunt Jacqueline - Penelope Tzougros
Her Niece Elizabeth, (Money Makeover) - Catherine - Penelope Tzougros
Stacks of Sadness, (Money Makeover) - Dina - Penelope Tzougros
Passing It On, (Money Makeover) - Dina - Penelope Tzougros
Rebuilding Credit, (Money Makeover) - Lynne - Penelope Tzougros
The Winter Coat, (Money Makeover) - Louisa - Penelope Tzougros
Who Needs It, (Money Makeover) - Sarah - Penelope Tzougros

Voice Over:

Pen Pals - Written and Directed for PAC TV - Gail Sullivan


Health Source RI - Principal - NAIL
The First Amendment - PSA- Tom Bolus

Music Video:

Zombie, The Longwalls - Featured Extra - Plymouth Rock Studios

Training: Teacher:

Getting Paid To Talk (Voice Over) - Joe Gallogly
Lights, Camera, Production - Dan Rodriguez
Premiere Pro Editing - Dan Rodrigues
Acting Workshop - Kevin Lasit
Monologue Workshop - Kevin Lasit
Advanced Acting / Dramatic Scene Study - Kevin Lasit
Commercial 2 / Day Player Lab. - Kevin Lasit
Introduction To Extra Work/ Commercial Auditions Lab. - Kevin Lasit
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
Retired Medical Professional, Volunteer Videographer for Plymouth Council on Aging, Volunteer at Plymouth Art Guild, Volunteer at PAC TV in Plymouth,

Hobbies: Painting (watercolor, pastel, acrylic); Photography; Jewelry Making; Gardening; Swimming (25 laps, twice a week)

Gail Sullivan's Photos

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 9:42pm on July 27, 2017, Gail Sullivan said…

We're working toward working together Jack.  The closest we've come is the Folklorist where we were actually in the same scene, but no lines.  Maybe Brandon will write something for us.

At 9:32am on July 27, 2017, Jack Shipley said…


I would actually love to, not only be in the same film. . .but actually work with you next time! :)

At 5:31pm on January 6, 2014, Michael Maggiani said…

Hi Gail, My scenes with FP are not scheduled this month. Though I have to go to a second reading this Sunday at RISD. I am reading for Charles. Have you been cast yet or are you too going for a reading ? Who are you reading for ?...still waiting for Ed to send me the second script...........Michael

At 7:07pm on March 5, 2013, Carlyne Fournier said…

you mean to tell me we weren't friends here yet? Glad we fixed that : )


At 5:52pm on March 5, 2013, Erica McDermott said…

Hi Gail!! xxxoo

At 2:19pm on January 15, 2013, William Xifaras said…

Welcome to the group Gail.

Gail Sullivan's Videos


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