Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
Adventures of A.R.I.-The Robot Pet Extra
Chris Freihoffer (Casting Dir., CSA)
Golden Arm Extra
Golden Arm Casting
Messages Extra
Ethan Fortney (Dir.)
The Feel Good Business Extra
Kent Klein (Dir.)
Training or acting classes (class name, teacher & where):
On-Camera Class for Young Adults Jennifer Salvucci Boston Casting
Cold Read Audition Workshop Chris Neville Boston Casting
Commercial Audition Technique Heather Whitty Boston Casting
Introduction to Method Acting Rachel Bailit Boston Casting
Introduction to Method Acting (Virtual) Rachel Bailit Boston Casting
Advanced Audition For Film & TV Chris Freihofer, CSA Actor Factory
Audition for Film and Television Chris Freihofer, CSA Actor Factory
Acting For Camera Darryl Cox Actor Factory
Acting Techniques Alissa Mortimer Actor Factory
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
Improvisation, Fluent in French and Creole, Latin dance, Basket-ball, Soccer.
New England Actor(s) is part of Corp. a Social Networking Consulting Agency. Corp. is a Natick, Mass. based organization. Please call 508-651-7900 or email Bradley at for any questions.
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