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Andrea Lyman's Blog (5)

SAG Award Reviews (nominated Films & TV Shows)

I have not seen everything that is nominated and I will vote online tomorrow. This year I was sent 5 excellent DVD's of nominated films to review "for my consideration". For anyone who is not a member or who has never received one of these, often "For Your Consideration" scrolls across the screen at odd moments during the film. This is so you cannot sell it, or so people will know that you should not have sold it or given it away. No worries here, though, because I want to save my copies for my… Continue

Added by Andrea Lyman on January 20, 2010 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Movie Reviews (my opinion)

I've been seeing the movies nominated for SAG awards. By the way if SAG members want to see free films here's what I do:

I show them my SAG card, if they question it I mention that I vote in the SAG awards. One theatre mentioned they had not yet received nomination info so I showed them my nomination sheet and they said, "fine". Not all theatres accept the card, it's totally up to their discretion. Don't make a fuss, and plan to pay if the card is not accepted. This year I have been… Continue

Added by Andrea Lyman on January 8, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

Timid Driver/Precision Driver?

My car is playing a primary role without me in Edge of Darkness. It's ironic because when I bought my current car the one thing that disappointed me was the color. It's silver and I wanted some odd, bright color so that I could find it easily in a crowded parking lot. I didn't want a car that blends in and gets lost. Well, the very fact that it's an average color is why it get used in so many films. In EOD it has been parked right next to Mel Gibson and the action with 1st unit, generally while… Continue

Added by Andrea Lyman on October 27, 2008 at 2:12pm — 8 Comments

Dangerous Dread work on Surrogates

I originally thought I was posting this blog on New England Actors when I was actually posting it on Our Film Space. The two sites look the same to me (not so tecno savvy here). So I copied the blog from one site to paste on this one. Anyway, here's my experience as a Dread on Surrogates:

This was without a doubt the most ruggedly dangerous set I have ever experienced. I worked on action films in the past, but never been a part of the action scenes. We, Dreads ( background actors ),… Continue

Added by Andrea Lyman on August 2, 2008 at 8:16am — 1 Comment

SAG 75th Party

Well, after lots of hard work planning and organizing, the SAG 75th Party finally happened this weekend. I had a Blast (pun intended). Sold out with 500 people! We had a great group of volunteers for this event. What an upbeat positive bunch. Steve Auger found the Ritz for the event. Bill Mootos, Julie Wood and Dona Sommer did most of the overall organizing. The rest of us pitched in with various duties such as PR, mailings, designing the invitations, writing the Blasts, checking people in,… Continue

Added by Andrea Lyman on June 23, 2008 at 12:50pm — 6 Comments

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