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Every morning when I wake up I’m at a NO.

Can I jump in my multi-head glass enclosed waterfall shower and let yesterday’s stress wash away like sweat after an intense workout.

Can I put on a pair of quality cotton boxer-briefs by Ralph Lauren or Champion or one of these guys

Can I indulge in an all organic vegetarian breakfast prepared by a top health food chef complete with green juice

Can I go out to my garage-NO!
but if I did have a garage, could I go into it and jump into the latest champaign colored Maserati with my initials stitched in the headrest

Can I punch my time card into my ideal dream job, where my boss is older than me and actually looks me in the eyes when he condescends me, or maybe I’m my own boss even, annnd after payday there’s a Lil something left for a footlong Subway sub

Can I then come home to my smart, funny and driven soulmate
in a wife whom I love when she is cranky and vice-versa

So everyday I can awake, do nothing and be at a NO

But everyday I awake and do something…anything… to go to bed with one more YES!

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