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Juliet Bowler
  • Female
  • Cambridge, MA
  • United States
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Juliet Bowler knows these actors:

  • Noël Ramos
  • Eric Cheung
  • Craig Sutton
  • Greg Shea
  • Mary C. Ferrara
  • Jesse D Kamien
  • Adam Finelli
  • S. Scott Berger
  • Caryn May
  • Matt Bouldry of C.P. Casting
  • Chuck Slavin
  • Trudi Goodman
  • Sheryl Faye
  • Andrea Lyman
  • Bradley J. Van Dussen

Voice Files:

Juliet Bowler Commercial Demo
  • 1.
    Juliet Bowler Commercial Demo
  • 2.
    Juliet Bowler Technical Narration
  • 3.
    Floors Matter
  • 4.
    Dental Relaxation

Juliet Bowler's Groups


Juliet Bowler: Actress

Profile Information

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):
Member's acting, voice or modeling website:
Member's age range:
36-40, 41-45
Member's Affiliations:
Portray-able or Actual Biological Look:
Caucasian / White
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'7"
Eyes: Blue
Hair length: Below Shoulder
Hair color:Medium Blonde
Dress: 16 - 18
Shoe: 8.5

Dialects (Australian, Boston, British, Irish, Minnesota, Southern, Texas), Fiction and Sketch Writing, Improv (General, Short and Long Form), Teleprompter, Small Firearms, Stage Combat, Strong Dramatic Contralto, Voice-Over, Working with Kids
Portrayable & believable accents or dialects (e.g. Southern, Chinese, Spanish, German, Boston, etc.):
Australian - General
British - BBC English
British – Cockney
British - RP
Comic French
Irish (including Northern)
New England - Boston
New York
Scottish - Glasgow
Southern - General
Member's Performance Skills:
Cry-on-Cue, Driving - car, Ear Prompter, Firearms - pistols, Host, Improvisation, Professional Speaker, Shooting - revolver, Singer - Alto, Stage Combat, Swimming - general ability, Teleprompter, Voice Artist Only, Voices-characters
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
Broad Squad - Mom - ABC
Clear History - Lady Serena (Principal) - HBO Films/Greg Mottola
That's My Boy - Prison Guard (Principal) - Columbia Pictures/Happy Madison Prod./Sean Anders
The Garden - Laura (Lead) - Women in Motion
Me Quick - Margaret (Lead) - Berry Street, Limited (London)
Damned and the Dead – Juliet (Lead) - Damned and the Dead
Brothers – Jenny (Supporting) - Breaking Glass Media
The Ballad of Bard Janet - Mrs. Shaugnessy (Supporting) - Ogygia Avenue
Influenced Women - Provocative Woman (Lead) - JBR Films
DMV - Secretary (Lead) - Harvard Film Dept.
Hidden Warriors - Narrator (VO) - Connecticut PBS - Amanda (Lead) - Biksco Media
Game Day - Basketball Fan (Principal) - Core Films, NYC/Steve Klein

Miracle on 34th Street - Sawyer - Greater Boston Stage Company
Not Medea - The Woman/Medea - Flat Earth Theatre - Elliot Norton Nominee
A Bright Room Called Day - Annabelle Gotchling - Flat Earth Theatre
Silent Sky - Williamina Fleming - Flat Earth Theatre - IRNE/Elliot Norton Winner
Planet of Warrior Bunnies - The Champion - Unreliable Narrator
October - Marshall - Contemporary Park Shorts
The Sound of Cracking Bones - Angelina - Flat Earth Theatre Company
Citizens of the Empire - Lady Petrov - Boston Public Works
The Winter's Tale - Leontes - Maiden Phoenix - IRNE Nominee
Dead - Louise - Mass Art Playwrighting Festival
Bully Dance - Nola - Argos Productions
Rocketman - Louise - Flat Earth Theatre
The Pillowman - Tupolski (lead) - Flat Earth Theatre - MyTheatreWorld Winner
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot - Saint Monica - Wax Wings Productions
Fishnet-Networks.Net - Hannah Redman (lead) - Fishface Entertainment LLC
Frank Cyrano Byfar Radio Hour - Amelia Adams (lead) - Post-Meridian Radio Players
Dan in the Lion’s Den - Sharon (lead) - Theatre@First
Red Shift: Interplanetary Do-Gooder - Femme Fatalia/Henrietta Nilconk - Post-Meridian Radio Players
Our Miss Brooks - Miss Brooks (lead) - Post-Meridian Radio Players
Misery - Annie Wilkes (lead) - Arlington Friends of Drama
The Knight Who Was Afraid of the Dark - Melvin the Miffed (lead) - Pocket Full of Tales
My Yolanda Love – Starz - Queer Soup
Snapshots - Sherry (lead) - ReveScape
The Learned Ladies - Philaminte (lead) - Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute

AMA Training Video, Brookstone, Chronos Time Management Software, Dental Relaxation, Eastern Bank, EMC, Giant Glass, Guertin Brothers, The Floor Center, Keep Local Farms, Marshalls, National Emphysema Treatment Trial, Providence Place Mall, Providence YMCA, Red Sox Foundation & Massachusetts General Hospital Home Base Program, Seniorlink, Schwartz Foundation, Sodexho Foundation, Staples, Stop & Shop,, United Way

Artifice - Eric Bickerniks

Guilty Children - Company Member
Pocket Full O'Tales - Company Member
Random Carnival - Founding Member
Dead Pony Party - Improv Coach
Training or acting classes (class name, teacher & where):
BFA from NYU, Tisch School of the Arts
Lee Strasberg Theater Institute
Acting: Geoffrey Horne, NYC, Irma Sandrey, NYC
Speech: Susan Cameron, NYC
Voice: Jan Eric Douglas, NYC; Jennifer Truesdale, Boston
Dance: Jeffrey Ferguson, NYC
Stage combat: J. Allen Suddeth, NYC
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
Special Olympics International, general work to promote the rights of the disabled community. Improv facilitator for inclusion and diversity issues.
VOICE ARTISTS ONLY [you must have a professional demo to upload]: illustrative 1-word descriptions for this actor's voice (e.g. conversational, announcer, warm, etc.):
Warm, authoritative and engaging General American. Audiobooks, voiceover for animation, as well as commercial and narrative work. Access to studio.

Also skilled in character work.

British - BBC English
British – Cockney
Comic French
Irish (including Northern)
New England - Boston
New York
Southern - General

Juliet Bowler's Photos

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At 9:24pm on May 25, 2012, Craig Sutton said…
Hi Juliet - thanks for connecting and requesting to be friends! Keep in touch
At 12:00pm on July 19, 2011, Lau Lapides said…

Next Step New York Voice Over Showcase Auditions !


lau lapides company presents Next Step New York Voice Over Showcase. This unique, all inclusive program will put you in front of top New York Agents to Showcase your talents. A highlight of this exceptional program will be an opportunity to prepare for the Showcase with our New York City partners as well as the best trainers and coaches New England has to offer!  All preparation will take place at lau lapides company in Wellesley, MA. Actors will then be escorted by lau lapides company representatives to New York City to Showcase for top Voice Over industry agents.


We are seeking professionally minded Voice Over Talent who have interest in working in New York.

At 1:42pm on May 23, 2011, Michael Fennimore said…
Against my better judgement.

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