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Trudi Goodman
  • Female
  • Metro Boston
  • United States
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  • Elaine Victoria Grey
  • Juliet Bowler
  • Sam Pannier
  • Bradley J. Van Dussen

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Hey There It's: Trudi Goodman !

Performance Updates: recent acting endeavors, gigs or auditions:

Trudi Goodman posted a performing update
"Anyone know who James Blackburn is? He just sent me a query for work. T"
Oct 25, 2013
Trudi Goodman posted a performing update
"Come and see me sing, act and dance. Oy vey.... King Matiusz is coming to The Center Makor in June. Stay tuned for info."
Apr 29, 2013
Trudi Goodman posted a performing update
"Creepy fake Zertec guy is out and about again, trying to get Union Actresses to sneeze for him over the phone. Call SAGAFTRA if he calls u"
Apr 15, 2013
Trudi Goodman posted a performing update
"Hey, it's time to check out my NEW PAGE....Lots of great information and a new photo! Soon there will be new videos as well. L'Chaim!"
Mar 22, 2013

Profile Information

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):
Please contact: 617-492-0526 and leave a message.
Or you can email me at:
Member's acting, voice or modeling website:
Member's age range:
56-60, 61-65, 66-70, 71-75
Member's Affiliations:
Portray-able or Actual Biological Look:
Caucasian / White, Latino / Hispanic
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Ethnicity: Jewish- Sephardim, Ashkenazim, Judesmo, Arabic-Jewish
Dress and Body Measurements: Upon Request per Role
Height: 5'4"
Eyes: Hazel
Hair length: Mid-back
Hair color: depending on role: Auburn Red, Brown, Salt and Pepper Gray
Shoe: 7EE/7XW
Build or Body Style: Medium to Heavy Set
Language Fluency: Yiddish, German, Some Hebrew
Portray-able Real-sounding Accents:E. European, Middle Eastern, German, Spanish, European, New England, Southern, Hispanic
I sing in several languages including: Yiddish, Hebrew, Ladino, German, Spanish, Italian and French. I speak Yiddish!
I also play guitar in several styles and recorder.
I also perform Monologues and One Woman Shows.
I also do Stand Up Comedy
I teach Acting Skills, Music, Performance Anxiety Courses, Creativity and Writing Workshops.
For 7 years I co-edited a small independant writer's journal: ZONE: A FEMINIST JOURNAL FOR WOMEN AND MEN.
I also teach Knit, Crochet, Guitar and Performance Skills.
Portrayable & believable accents or dialects (e.g. Southern, Chinese, Spanish, German, Boston, etc.):
Yiddish, Middle Eastern, German, East European, American: Northern, Southern
Spanish, Latino
Member's Performance Skills:
Artist-drawing, Artist-painting, Comedian, Cry-on-Cue, Driving - car, Driving - stick shift-standard, Firearms - pistols, Guitar - 6 string, Guitar - electric, Improvisation, Piano, Shooting - revolver, Singer - Alto, Singer - Soprano, Singer - Tenor, Singer - Mezzo Soprano, Voice Artist Only, Voices-characters, Wind Instrument
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
MILWOOD, Ms. Churchel, Directors: Evan Goldman, James Scanlon. Roman Media
BEYOND CONTROL, Vivian/Tryon's Mother, Director: Patrick Jerome BWAY7 Productions
GONE BABY GONE, Roberta Trett, Director: Ben Affleck, Disney/Miramax
THE CHILD KING, Librarian/Mrs. Claus, Director: Frank Kerr, Boston Pictures
GROWN UPS, Bailey's Wife's Friend, Director: Denis Dugan, Columbia/Sony

or at:
Training or acting classes (class name, teacher & where):
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
I sing and play guitar and recorder. I also compose music. I write plays and monologues. I sing in Yiddish, Hebrew, Ladino, Spanish, German, French and Italian. I also teach classes in: Music and Music Performance, Guitar, Performance Stress Reduction, Creativity Workshops; especially to let go of Creative Blocks, Goal Setting, Knit and Crochet, Journal and Poetry Writing. I volunteer for READING IS FUNDAMENTAL. This is a great in-school visitor's reading program..
VOICE ARTISTS ONLY [you must have a professional demo to upload]: illustrative 1-word descriptions for this actor's voice (e.g. conversational, announcer, warm, etc.):
I am a dialectian. I speak Yiddish, so I can do "Jewish" accents, East European, as well las Western European and Middle Eastern. I also do English accents, Southern accents. Latino and Spanish accents. Also Regional American accents.

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