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Renee M Carlson
  • Female
  • Brockton, MA
  • United States
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Renee M Carlson knows these actors:

  • Christopher Cruz
  • Jack Burk Goldman
  • Lisa Dempsey
  • David Afflick
  • Kathy LaShay Berenson
  • Jessica Baade
  • Lynne Riley
  • Chuck Slavin

Voice Files:

Renee M Carlson's Groups



Renee (Eward) Carlson


Profile Information

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):
Home: 508-586-7765
Cell: 508-944-0270
Member's acting, voice or modeling website:
Member's age range:
41-45, 46-50, 51-55, 56-60, 61-65, 71-75, 76-80, Industry Pro (casting/production/director/advertising/teaching etc)
Member's Affiliations:
Non-Union, Casting Director/Producer/Film Maker
Portray-able or Actual Biological Look:
Caucasian / White, Native American Indian, Latino / Hispanic
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)

Ethnicity: Caucasian & Native American
Height: 5' 9"
Eyes: Hazel
Hair length: Shoulder
Hair color: Dark Brown with Highlights
Hair Characteristics - Soft, Loose Curls
Dress Size 18
Shirt Size 2X
Pant Size 18-20
Build: Curvy/Large


Consistent Professional Demeanor
Will work long hours
Commands and Displays Respect in ANY situation
Can separate my Professional life from my Personal life (keeping the Drama on the stage/screen only)
Work well with children, animals and teenagers
Excellent Comedic timing
Listens to and can understand Directions without prompting
Advanced Experience in Script Memorization
Advanced Training Experience in Memorizing Blocking Directions
Portrayable & believable accents or dialects (e.g. Southern, Chinese, Spanish, German, Boston, etc.):
Northern Irish - Belfast
Southern Irish
Specific Training in the distinctive dialect of people from the Aran Islands "The Isle of Man" in Ireland
Training Experience in all general dialects throughout North America. Accents from all of Canada to Southern Texas as well as from Virginia to Idaho.
Specialty US Dialect Training in accents within New York City, Boston, the Midwest, Kentucky and Alabama.
Member's Performance Skills:
Baseball, Basketball, Bicycling-general, Billiards-Pool, Boating - engine, Boogie Boarding, Bowling, Canoeing, Chainsaw, Comedian, Cry-on-Cue, Cycling, Dance -swing, Dance - tap, Diving, Driving - car, Driving - stick shift-standard, Drums, Equestrian-bareback, Equestrian - general, Equestrian - Western, Firearms - pistols, Firearms - rifles, Fishing, Fly Fishing, Football, Frisbee - general, Frisbee - freestyle, Golf, Hiking, Host, Ice Skating, Impressionist, Improvisation, Jet Skier, Jump Rope, Kayaker, Mime, Motorcycle Riding - general, Motor scooter, Mountain Biking, Percussion, Professional Speaker, Running - general, Shooting - revolver, Shooting - rifle, Sign Language, Singer - Alto, Singer - Soprano, Singer - Tenor, Singer - Mezzo Soprano, Skateboard - street, Snorkeling, Snow Skiing - general, Snow Skiing - cross country, Snow Skiing - freestyle, Snowmobile, Snowshoe, Softball, Swimming - general ability, Swimming - back stroke, Swimming - breast stroke, Swimming - butterfly, Swimming - freestyle, Tennis, Trampoline, Voices-characters, Volleyball - indoor (6 on 6), Volleyball - general ability, Water Skiing - general, Whistler, Yoga
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
LIFELONG ACTRESS/VOCALIST - I keep my vocals in top shape by attending private voice lessons at a local, private, performing arts school


AUGUST 2017 - Co-Writer/Director of an original short comedy - "Guber of the Future"
JULY 2017 - Co-Writer and Director of an original short comedy - "Just Another Day at Wheelie World"
SEPTEMBER 2016, APRIL 2017, JUNE 2017 - Improv Comedy Show Host for the Original Improv Comedy Show "Fred."
MAY 2016 - Director, Co-Writer for a large venue, stage performance entitled "The Vaudeville Extravaganza Show."
SEPTEMBER 2015 - Casting/Theatrical Director, "Annie"
JULY - AUGUST 2015 - Comedy Instructor for 2 separate 4 day intensive workshops.
January 2015 - April 2015 - Portrayed the character of "Mattie Fae Aiken" in the play, "August: Osage County" - (Main Role - Supporting)
September 2014 - Little Women - Hannah (supporting role)
July - August 2014 - Enchanted April - Lead Role of Lottie Wilkins
June 2014 - Mystery Cafe Private Corporate Event - Finnegan's Wake - "Imma Wobblerski"
March 2014 - Mystery Cafe Finnegans Wake - Drunken Bridesmaid
March 2013 - Mystery Cafe Finnegans Wake - Lotta Wailin
March 2012 - Mystery Cafe Finnegans Wake - Lotta Wailin
December 2010 - Present - "The Office Can Be Murder" Primary Role as "Diane Schrute - The Office Manager" - TeamBonding - Private/Corporate Dinner Theatre
May 2011 - March 2014 - Southeastern Regional High School
Performing Arts Instructor - Comedy

Boxed in With You - Feature Film - "Olga" (trailer can be viewed at
The Shifty Planet of Dr. Strange (IMDB Credit) - Supporting role as Edward's Mother - Directed by Ross Klein
Let the Block Know - Supporting Role Debra - Directed by Lynn Koster & Lai-San

"Sold in 60 Seconds" A&E Network - Reenactor as the Wife of a Wealthy Real Estate Guru
Celebrity Ghost Stories - Character Reenactor

WTM Communications, Inc. - Voicemail Personality
Copperwood Real Estate, Inc. - Voiceover Personality
Training or acting classes (class name, teacher & where):

1) 1974 - Present - Private Instruction as a Professional Vocalist (musical as well as the Spoken Word). Currently a private student of Lynne Alexander (owner of the Filedheacht Music School in E. Bridgewater, MA
2) MA in Theatre with the University of Alaska, Anchorage
3) BA in both English and Psychology
4) Associates of Arts in Stage Dialect
5) Acting in Boston – Class – Carolyn Pickman of CP Casting
6) Global Casting and the Internet Seminar with Nancy Bishop
7) The Language of the Face – John Sudol – Hollywood, CA Acting Coach
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
Volunteer with the American Red Cross Disaster Action Team as well as various projects supporting our disabled veterans, Paranormal Research, Cooking, Decorating, Working on my car, attending car shows, going to the shooting range and perfecting my shot.
VOICE ARTISTS ONLY [you must have a professional demo to upload]: illustrative 1-word descriptions for this actor's voice (e.g. conversational, announcer, warm, etc.):
1) Soprano 1 Vocalist
2) Dialects/Accents - Irish (Northern and the Aran Islands)
3) Most American accents - East Coast, Midwestern (Wisconsin and Minnesota), Deep South and Mid-Atlantic

My personal accent is Midwestern, pleasant, and conversational. Tone and pitch of voice comes across as kind, friendly, and welcoming.
Name of the person who referred NEActor to you?
Bradley J Van Dussen

Performing Arts Resume for Renee Carlson

Renee M Carlson's Photos

Renee M Carlson's Videos

Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 5:25pm on June 5, 2014, Jack Burk Goldman said…

The honor and pleasure  is all mine Renee. Best wishes.

At 12:07am on January 27, 2012, Renee M Carlson said…

Becki, I know, I know, but I had a class in standup comedy to create and teach.  Then the school told me yesterday that they were not going to pick up the class again in the spring due to the noise level.  Ummm, it's standup comedy, a room full of high school class clowns being funny together, yeah, it might be noisy...oh well, at least now I have some awesome new material teaching the class PLUS all of my former students are boycotting at school, I love them...

At 10:52pm on January 26, 2012, Becki Dennis said…

Great to hear from you.  Welcome "back"!

At 9:28pm on March 1, 2011, Davidson O. Calfee said…
Hi Renee, how ya been?
At 8:19pm on February 15, 2011, Susan Heiss said…

Hi Renee, I did not get a call back on the Storyteller  How did you make out hope you get cast for the role  Have an audition a cp casting on thursday for a vo and submitted for a role in the indie film The Diner     Just was contacted for an audition for Stuck think that is an Emerson project I am passing that up   I just heard from off duty players a dinner theater group in CT I have an audition with them on Monday  

I just keep on trying  and look for interesting roles   Look forward to meeting you soon

Have you heard from anyone about Finnegans Wake.  They usually send out emails sometime in Feb  let me know if you hear anything I will do the same.

Feel free to email at I do not always check messages on this site. How did the LDI audition go  that sounds fantastic....




At 8:20pm on February 14, 2011, Susan Heiss said…

Hi Renee  Congrats on the call back for the role Serena in the Storyteller. 



At 11:16am on February 6, 2011, Kathy LaShay Berenson said…
Congrats Renee! I was cast as well:)
At 7:52pm on January 24, 2011, John Joseph Lindsey said…
Thanks Renee! As a newcomer I appreciate so much.
At 2:16pm on September 16, 2010, Kathy LaShay Berenson said…
Thank you Renee!
At 10:14am on September 10, 2010, Elena Pellegrino said…
Yes - my audition is today - that would be nice if we are both cast and can work together - take care!

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