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Elaine Victoria Grey
  • Female
  • Watertown, MA
  • United States
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Elaine Victoria Grey knows these actors:

  • Dan Marshall
  • Lynn Julian
  • Therese Lloyd
  • Jeanne Lohnes
  • Bill Thorpe
  • David Afflick
  • Carlyne Fournier
  • Karen Scalia
  • Paula Dellatte
  • Marshall Berenson
  • S. Scott Berger
  • Tiffany Howcroft
  • Kenneth Siddons
  • Lee Simonds
  • Michael A. Coppola

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Profile Information

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):
Member's acting, voice or modeling website:
Member's age range:
Member's Affiliations:
Portray-able or Actual Biological Look:
Caucasian / White
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Ethnicity: Second-Generation-Italian-American/Caucasian
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 170
Dress Size 14-16
Eyes: Brown
Hair Brunette

Digital Photography-Still/Video,Art,Shooting-Automatic/Revolver/Rifle,Mother,Grandmother,Real Estate Broker,General Appraiser,Gallery-Business Owner,Consultant,Computer-Oriented,Bowling, Zooming,Writing,Journaling,yoga,Driving-Cars,Trucks,Golf-Carts,Motorcycle passenger-General Genealogy,Student,Italian-Studies,World Traveler.
Dancing-General,Singing-Group,Public Speaking
Portrayable & believable accents or dialects (e.g. Southern, Chinese, Spanish, German, Boston, etc.):
Member's Performance Skills:
Artist-drawing, Artist-painting, Billiards-Pool, Boating - engine, Boogie Boarding, Bowling, Card Playing - Poker, Cry-on-Cue, Driving - car, Firearms - pistols, Firearms - rifles, Frisbee - general, Host, Improvisation, Motorcycle Riding - general, Piano, Shooting - revolver, Shooting - rifle, Singer - Alto, Teleprompter, Track and Field - high jump, Yoga
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
Need to update about dozen more projects that include film, TV, Zoom, Theatre Readings.
Flap Jack (GB) (2016), New York Pedestrian, Billy Dowd Casting

Manchester by the Sea (2016), Villager, Billy Dowd Casting

Broad Squad (2015),Family Membe/Grad Party, LDI Casting TV Pilot Movie

November Criminals (2016), Garden Party Guest, LDI Casting.

Bleed for This (2015), Upscale Dinner Patron, Boston Casting

Spotlight (2015), Parishioner/Globe Spotlight, C.P. Casting, Inc.

Ted 2 (2015), Library Patron, Raging Bear LLC., Boston Casting, Inc.

Irrational Man (Untitled Woody Allen Project) (2015),Cafe (Mother of Student)/Neighbor, Perdido

Black Mass (2015), Italian Woman, Warner Brothers, Inc.

Transsexuals in Space (2014), (Speaking) Instructor Pearline, Arty Artzo D-Zines.

Unfinished Business (2015), Farm Goer, Allied Select Productions

The Equalizer, (2014), Subway Passenger, B.P., Columbia Pictures

The Judge, (2014),City Folk-Lawyer, featured B.P.,Warner Brothers

American Hustle (2013), Guest Pierre Hotel, featured B.P., Columbia Pictures

The Makeover (2013)Pink Shirt Bowler, featured B.P., ABC, TV, Hallmark (HOF)

Chasing Life (2012) TV, Woman W/Dog, HBO

Grown Ups 2 (2013), (Car Wash Customer,featured B.P), Columbia Pictures,

That's My Boy aka Donny's Boy aka I Hate You Dad (2012),(Pedestrian/Mother & Diner Patron, featured B.P.) Columbia Pictures,

Ted (2012), (Driver with Car, B.P), Universal Studios, Director, Seth MacFarlane

Irish Whisper (2012), (Bar Patron, B. P.), Film by Adriano Masciarelli & Ben Proulx

Oscar Ball (2012), (Movie Attendee, B.P.),Carol Patton (Imagine) & J.D. Freedman

The Rude, The Mad and The Funny (2010-11), Audience Member & Club Backgtound Dancer, Credit (IMDB), Director, David J. Garfield, South Shore Casting, Jodi Purdy

This Killing Business (2011/12), Indie Thriller Film, Funeral Attendee, B.P./and Production Assistant, directed by Federico Muchnik,

The Dark One, (2011/12) Indie film (Jacqui Sullivan), Funeral Attendee

The Pentagon Memo (Trailer, (2010-11 ) Production Assistant, (casting and casting videography),David McDivitt,

Let the Block Know (2011), (Music Video), (featured B.P), directed by Lynne Koester and Lai San,Tufts University, Advanced Film Students

Speaking: "John J. Fahey Show" (April, 2015) . Guest

Speaking: "Short Film Showcase" (2014) Guest

Commercial: Titilist Golf, World Pro (3 Spots), (2014)

Speaking: Memorial Day Parade (2004-7), Watertown Cable Access TV, Co-Host

Speaking: FOCUS-TV, Director, Co-Producer & Co-Host , Continental Cable, Watertown,MA (1983-1985)

Speaking: Theatre One, Alley Theatre,Middleboro (Nov. 2012),
Peg Holzemer Director of Neil Simon's "Prisoner of Second Avenue, Neil Simon: Cast as "Jesse"

Phillips Repertory Theater (1998), Director, Teen Summer Theater Program that included scenes from Shakespeare

Historic Tour (Buildings & Places), Watertown, MA (1978 Slide Tape Show) Watertown Library & School Department; Principal Actor & Voice Over

Arsenal Center for the Arts Documentary (2005), Voice Over

Harvard University, Extension Studies (1997-2006)
AA 2003, ALB 2006, Humanities with Field of Study in Dramatic Arts, 2006.
Classes taken (1997-2006) while at Harvard include:
Acting I by Scott Zigler
Actor's and Director's Workshop by Scott Zigler
Acting II by Nancy Houfek
Advanced Acting by Marcus Stern
Public Speaking & Advanced Public Speaking by Marjorie North
Shakespeare I &II by Joyce van Dyke
History of Musical Theater (Voice Training) by Pam Mury
American Repertory Theater (A Case Study) by Robert Orchard
The History of Theater by Robert Lublin
New Rep.Theater-Advanced Acting Workshop (2009) by Bridget O'Leary
N.E.Institute of Art/Hollywood East "On the Lot" (8 week Workshop, 2009)
Introduction of Motion Pictures & Television, Thomas Kingdom
Boston Casting Workshop/"Nail That Audition," Angela Peri, 2011
Boston Casting/MPI "On Camera Broadcasting", Roger Lyons, 2012
Training or acting classes (class name, teacher & where):
Varied Acting/Directing/Voice,Field of Study,2006, Harvard University(1997-2006)
Auditioning (film/TV) Workshop, Tom Kemp, C.P. Casting, (2014)
Voice Over/Improv Workshops, Boston Casting, (2014)
Auditioning for the Camera, Carolyn Pickman, (2013-14)
Back to School for Actors, Talent Tools, (2013)
Cold Reading Workshop, Steve Blackwood, Lawrence, MA (Oct. 2013)
Broadcast, Roger Lyons, Boston Casting, (2012)
The Business of Acting Workshop, Jim Jermanock, Producer/Director Coach, Charlestown,(2012)
Nail That Audition, Angela Peri, Boston Casting
So You Want to Be in Films, Jodi Purdy, South Shore Casting
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
Speaking: Prisoner of Second Avenue, Jesse (supporting role 2012) Theatre One
Arsenal Center for the Arts, Co-founder & Retired Board Member;
Watertown Center for the Arts, (1975-Present), Watertown, Founder/President
Theater One, Short Play Reviewer, 63 plays (2010-2012) for Peg Holzemer, Theater One, Middleboro

Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals, (1991-2005), Chairman & Member; Watertown Savings Bank (1980-Present), Corporator
Watertown Chamber of Commerce, Former Clerk
Watertown Community Policing, Alumna
Recipient of Derek Bok Award for Public Service, Harvard University (2003)
Celebrity Reader, Watertown Schools (1999-2003)
VOICE ARTISTS ONLY [you must have a professional demo to upload]: illustrative 1-word descriptions for this actor's voice (e.g. conversational, announcer, warm, etc.):
Alto & Up, Bostonian & Italian accents, Soft, Deep, Sexy, Professional, Announcer, Likable, Conversational, Convincing, Stern, Angry, Business-Like & Intriguing.

Performance Updates: recent acting endeavors, gigs or auditions:

Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"Performance Update: post a recent acting endeavor, gig or audition:"
Sep 18, 2016
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"Guest starring as Geneology Expert, Lena Pomodoro on "Pizzermakers," Episode #10"
Jul 19, 2015
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"Television Guest, "John J. Fahey Show, Boston."
Apr 14, 2015
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
""Elaine G. booked principal role-mid-March in SAG-sanctioned popular WebSeries. Http://""
Feb 6, 2015
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"SAG Foundation "Book Pal" reading scheduled for February 6th for students at Hosmer School, Watertown."
Jan 30, 2015
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"Preparing for a booming 2015. Busy with updating headshots, resume, acting classes and preparing a reel. Surprise appearance forthcoming."
Jan 29, 2015
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"Feature Film Audition went well."
Jan 22, 2015
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"Lots of activity this week ,including a great Audition for a feature film."
Jan 16, 2015
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"Very excited about having work on another feature film."
Dec 4, 2014
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"Great workshop yesterday with Tom Kemp at C.P. Casting, Inc. I am working on improving my auditioning skills for film and Television."
Oct 5, 2014
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"Thank you Boston Casting, Inc. for my Day 1 booking on "Ted 2.""
Aug 1, 2014
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"Thank you LDI Casting, Inc. for my bookings on the "Woody Allen project.""
Jul 24, 2014
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"My profile photo is a new Headshot by Erica's Eye. More to come very soon."
Jul 24, 2014
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"I worked on Roman Media's "Passion on the Rocks," Club Patron. My role was as a featured background player in two scenes."
Jul 24, 2014
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"Took a great "Improv Class" at MPC"
Jun 25, 2014
Elaine Victoria Grey posted a performing update
"Elaine performed yesterday inon her Speaking role in "Transsexuals in Space," a hilarious sci-fi film."
May 17, 2014

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 5:31pm on June 4, 2018, Louise Mara said…

Thank you Elaine! Best of luck to you!

At 4:44pm on April 27, 2014, Lynn Julian said…

Hi Elaine,

thanks for connecting!

Strength Through Unity,

Lynn Julian

At 1:13pm on February 24, 2014, Maria Fernandez said…

Yes, it was great to work and meet you at the American Bustle shoot. You are such a wonderful makes my heart so happy to be friends with you. Hope all is well! 

At 12:29am on February 9, 2014, Dan Marshall said…
Thanks Elaine!
My father took this vintage shot for my Eddy Cantor audition "Boardwalk Empire" - A lot of prep: music recreation/recording, singing, scripted & improv comedy, dancing, hair cut, etc. The NY casting director (Ellen Louise's 2nd in command, I believe) clapped enthusiastically. The comp of Eddy & I is at:
Didn't end-up getting the role, but decided to show-up to Grant Wilfley's background casting with the same look, and they featured me in several episodes of this show, and on many projects since then -- it goes to show that we can do it ourselves and that not getting a role doesn't take you out of the game.
I hope we catch-up in person & work together again soon!
Take Care,
At 2:06pm on October 31, 2013, Becki Dennis said…

Thanks so much, Elaine!  and congrats on your house being a star in the commercial, too :)  Do you happen to know what channel you saw it on and around what time?

At 10:57am on October 31, 2013, Michele Mortensen said…

Welcome to Carolyn's class. This is the third time for me and I learn something new each time. I alternate between between feeling, "That was OK but I know I can do better," and "boy, did I screw up that one." 

I plan to enjoy my "Three Days in Tinseltown." Then I'll go back to class and be appropriately humbled. I wouldn't have it any other way!


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