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Carol S Austin
  • Female
  • Quincy, MA
  • United States
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Carol S Austin knows these actors:

  • Polly Cottam
  • Cory Scott
  • Greg Shea
  • David W. Cook
  • Elaine Victoria Grey
  • Tiffany Howcroft
  • Andrea L
  • Matt Bouldry of C.P. Casting
  • Marco Zanelli
  • Linda Ann Eknoian
  • Roy Souza
  • Russell J Gannon
  • Nicolas Villamizar

Carol S Austin's Groups


Carol S Austin: Actor, Voice Artist

Carol S Austin's Videos

Voice Files:

  • 1.

Carol S Austin's Photos

Profile Information

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):

phone: 617-669-3563

see me as Margaret in "Early Morning" at
see my national TV commercial at
Member's acting, voice or modeling website:
Member's age range:
46-50, 51-55
Member's Affiliations:
Portray-able or Actual Biological Look:
Caucasian / White
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5' 2
Eyes: hazel
Hair length: shoulder
Hair color: auburn
Dress: 6
Shoe: 7.5
Special Wardrobe: professional, mom
Other: news reporter, highly proficient with ear and tele-prompter ; spinner, runner and Pilates enthusiast; Canadian passport; foodie; stick-shift driver; interviewer and event MC; radio copywriter and producer; dog-friendly and dog-owner (Shih Tzu)
Member's Performance Skills:
Bowling, Boxing, Card Playing - Rummy, Driving - car, Driving - stick shift-standard, Ear Prompter, Hiking, Host, Kayaker, Professional Speaker, Snowshoe, Teleprompter, Voice Artist Only, Voices-characters, Weight Lifting, Yoga
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
principal role in Warner Bros "The Judge," featured role in Annapurna's "Detroit." national TV commercial "Liberty Mutual," principal role in Lifetime movie "Sexting in Suburbia," principal role in Harlan Bosmajian's short film "Early Morning," principal role in short film "Harrison,"industrials (on-camera and voice over), 275 voice-over clients, lawyer training workshops, mock trials, corporate training workshops
Training or acting classes (class name, teacher & where):
National Shakespeare Conservatory, multiple instructors including Mark Zeller, NYC
M.Ed., Eastern Nazarene College (2014)
B.A., Gordon College (1989)
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
5th grade writing teacher, entrepreneur
VOICE ARTISTS ONLY [you must have a professional demo to upload]: illustrative 1-word descriptions for this actor's voice (e.g. conversational, announcer, warm, etc.):
warm, upscale, sexy, neighborly, Mom, professional, news reporter, narrator, business, financial, technical, conversational

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At 7:22pm on May 7, 2014, Alexander Cook said…
enjoyed meeting you and seeing your work!
At 1:54pm on January 17, 2012, Becki Dennis said…

Great job in "Sexting in Suburbia," Carol!  Huge congrats!!

At 8:43am on January 19, 2009, Grace Costa said…
Hi Carol,
I always enjoy working with you! Let's hope this new year shocks the heck out of us all with tons of fun and lucrative work!

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