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Tiffany Howcroft
  • Female
  • Gloucester, MA
  • United States
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Tiffany Howcroft's Groups

Tiffany Howcroft knows these actors:

  • Rachael Hobson
  • Matthew Gorham
  • Michael-Christian von der Heyde
  • Noël Ramos
  • Mike Weiner
  • John Campanello
  • Dan Marshall
  • Mary Hronicek
  • Lin Hult
  • Lynn Julian
  • Therese Lloyd
  • Jeanne Lohnes
  • Kimberly Reis
  • Herbert Fuchs
  • Luis Negron

Tiffany Howcroft

Tiffany Howcroft's Photos

Link to Resume in Word format --->>>

Voice Files:

  • 1.
    VO Narration Track 1
  • 2.
    VO Comedic Telephone System From Hell, Comic
  • 3.
    VO Commercial Track 1
  • 4.
    VO Demo Montage of Many Genres
  • 5.
    Song: "Brighter Than Sunshine"
  • 6.
    Song: "Under African Skies"

Profile Information

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):
Member's acting, voice or modeling website:
Member's age range:
41-45, 46-50, 51-55
Member's Affiliations:
SAG-AFTRA, Non-Union
Portray-able or Actual Biological Look:
Caucasian / White, Middle Eastern, Latino / Hispanic
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Mediterranean, European, Mixed Race
Height: 5' 7"
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown
Dress: 14
Shoe: 9
Member's Performance Skills:
Dance - tap, Diving, Driving - car, Equestrian - general, Equestrian - Western, Firearms - pistols, Firearms - rifles, Green screen, Host, Improvisation, Professional Speaker, Shooting - revolver, Shooting - rifle, Singer - Alto, Singer - Tenor, Swimming - general ability, Teleprompter, Voices-characters, Yoga, Zumba
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
[Updated resume also linked above as Word Doc download]

FILM & TELEVISION (recent lead, supporting, principal and featured)

Bankably Nuts Bonnie, Silly Bank Customer, Cloud Thirteen Productions

The Death of Prophet Wallace Joanne, Sly 19th Century Barkeep, Michael Perreault

Unraveled: Ordained to Kill (ID) Camille Holmes, Abuser, NBC Peacock Productions

Planchette, Julia, Drunk Halloween Party Host, Evil Stew Productions

haulinASSassin, Claire, Sassy Secretary, Wicked Sick Films

Wheel it Hard Shirley, Crazy Dog Owner, Jeffrey Day

District C-11, Serious News Reporter, Camp 9 Films

WEB SERIES & MUSIC VIDEO (recent lead, supporting, principal and featured)

S-her-lock, Biddle, Sadistic Murderer, 42 Pens Productions

“Salvation” by Jacob Augustine, Grieving Daughter, Ellipsis Entertainment

Mr. Mayor (Series Pilot), Mary Goldstein, Mean Town Officer, Intrepid Productions

Haunting Light, The Creepy Cloaked Witch, Valentino Pictures

COMMERCIAL (recent lead, supporting, principal and featured)

Emerson Toyota, Kooky Car Buyer, CRG Creative Resources Group

Rockland Trust, Satisfied Home Equity Planner, Redtree and Forge

xcDogs, Happy Dog Host, Dirigo Design & Development

Plexxi, Sarcastic Network Personified, BC Media Productions

Town and Country CU, Proud Mainer, Two Rams, Labid Aziz

BHNE Properties, Friendly Real Estate Agent, Viewpoint, Kristie Raymond

INDUSTRIAL & EDUCATIONAL (recent lead, supporting, principal and featured)

CVS, Peg, the Good Employee, (add)ventures

Citizens Bank, Earnest Bank Manager, Blue Wave and BC Media

Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program, Stressed Wife and Mother, Anchor Line

Direct English, Julia, Friend in Post Office, Freddie Rostand

Akamai, Nerdy Product Spokesperson, RA Vision

THEATRE (recent)

Dracula, Various Roles, Script Editor, Director, Silver Fountain Inn

Midsummer Night’s Dream, Egeus & Quince, Theatre Unmasked

Hamlet, Rosencrantz, Script Editor, Rochester Opera House

Macbeth, Banquo, Player’s Ring

Romeo and Juliet, Lady Capulet, Rochester Opera House

Midsummer Night’s Dream, Titania, Tim Robinson, Director

THEATRE (older—partial list)

Plays, Principal Roles:

The Boundary, Brenda; The Children’s Hour, Karen; The Women, Nancy;

Musicals Principal Roles:

Into the Woods, Witch; Chicago, Velma

Ensemble Credits, Plays:

Playing for Time, The Dining Room; Musicals: Evita, Sweeney Todd, Cabaret, Jesus Christ Superstar, Sweet Charity

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 9:52am on July 27, 2017, Porcelain Dalya said…

I didn't know you could be friends! Glad we're friends now. :D 

At 8:55pm on February 24, 2016, Model Club, Inc. said…

You're the best Tiffany!

At 10:59am on August 24, 2015, Genevieve Skehan said…

Thanks for the add Tiffany, hope to work with you soon x


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