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Mary Hronicek
  • Female
  • United States
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Mary Hronicek knows these actors:

  • Noël Ramos
  • Mike Weiner
  • John Campanello
  • Ali McMichael
  • Michael Maggiani
  • Carole Taylor
  • Lin Hult
  • Lynn Julian
  • Therese Lloyd
  • Herbert Fuchs
  • David W. Cook
  • Tiffany Howcroft
  • Andrea Lyman
  • Bradley J. Van Dussen

Mary Hronicek's Groups


Mary Hronicek: Actress

Mary Hronicek's Photos

Printable Resume%20-%20Mary%20Hronicek%2C%20Non-Union%2C%20NOC%2052318.pdf

Mary Hronicek

Non-Union Actress


Hair Color:  Brown


Eye Color:  Blue

Height:        5’9”



Weight:       139








Jason In The House


Lost Lives

Love and Water

A Once and Future Thing

Triciq-  BeEnergy (Music Video)

Here Lies Joe

The Wrong Todd

Tune In 


How The Whale Lost It's Legs

   and Returned to Sea


Public Access

Model Rockets

Letting Go

Newport Manner

The Convict

The Race Card

Joan (Lead)

Linda (Lead)

Sophia (Lead)

Laura (Lead) 

Mom (Lead)

Karen (Lead)

Julia (Lead)

Mrs. Rook (Lead)

Janine (Lead)

Woman (Lead)

Carol (Supporting)

Dr.  Lucas (Supporting)


Ms. Teller (Supporting)

Elle (Supporting)

Mrs. B (Supporting)

Developer (Supporting)

Teacher (Supporting)

Sarah (Supporting)

Karen (Supporting)

Pam (Voice)

Joan (Supporting)

Andrew Gibson

Steven Day

Lara Booth

Dan Perez

Blu Frankel

Jenna Rigone

Steve Kozak

Justin Bull

Ervan Norman

Christian Alvarado

Mark Battle

Rob Schulbaum

Nick Santo

Chasen Parker

Austin Hsieh

Sloane Turner

Caroline Sullivan

Rachael Sampson

Jason Whittier

Joseph Cato

Mark Battle

Audrey Noone

Three Witches

Witch 1 (Supporting)

Sam Coale

Our Life In Make Believe

Myrtle O'Leary (Supporting)

Christopher Lang

Half The History, Trailer

The Audience

The Stoop

Murray Goes to MassIFF

Belinda Royal's Petition

Ann Moore (Supporting)

Greg’s Mom (Supporting)

Rude Woman (Supporting)

Passenger (Supporting)


Jennifer Burton

Rory Gory

Paul Medico

Pam Severns

Jennifer Burton

The Union




Jeremy Thibodeau

John Mosetich

The Ascendants, Raven

Resistance Fighter

Don Schecter

American Hustle

Casino Patron

David O'Russell

The Judge

Courtroom Spectator

David Dobkin  

Sins of the Preacher

Police Secretary

John Stimpson

Tan Vampires Music Video


Jeremy Collins


Princess Caraboo

Mrs Neale


(The Folklorist)

The Gloucester Serpent

The NE Lighthouse Storm

First Witness



(The Folklorist)


(The Folklorist)

One Tree Hill; S8, Eps.2,3,4, 5




I Feel

 Dr. Talbert (Lead)

 Acting Out

Little Women

Josephine March (Lead)

Carmichael Playhouse




Fade to Reality; S4, S5

Family Problems; S2, S3


Detective Rogers

Skitcom Productions

Angelwood Pictures

Red Circles; S4

Dr. Lisa Zemba (Recurring)

Angelwood Pictures


Maria's Retirement Party

Lynneway Automotive Commercial

LensCrafters Spec

Volvo of Wellesley

Staples Superb Bowl

Plant Nite

Paint Nite

Woven by Litl

Health Source of RI


Mrs. Jenkins


Sales person


Bachelorette Party Mom

Girls Night Out

Wedding Guest


MindEdge Prods

Impaired Films

C49 Productions

Creative Resource Group

Newfangled Studios

PaintNite Prods.

PaintNite Prods.

Mike Pecci

Nail Productions




Integrated Acting

Meisner Level Two

Meisner Scene Study

Improv 101

Meisner & Movement

Improv Level 1 

Meisner, Intermediate Level

Meisner Technique, Level 1

Scene Study Master Class

Intro to Improv

Intro Police Training for Film

Intro to Scene Study

Michael Gonza

Lyralen Kaye

Lyralen Kaye

MaryBeth Makara

Lyralen Kaye

Jeremy Brothers

Richard C Bailey

Richard C Bailey

Steve Blackwood

Dave Heard

Trooper Mel Alejandro

Albert B. Chan

Imagine Acting

Another Country

Another Country

Improv Boston

Another Country

Improv Asylum



Steve Blackwood Session

MA State Trooper

Aspiral Acting Studio

Nail That Audition

Angela Peri

Boston Casting

Cold Reading Workshop

Steve Blackwood

Steve Blackwood Session

Audition Workshop

Carolyn Pickman

CP Casting

Theater, 101 &102

California State University



Lost Piece



Status Unknown

Twilight Storytellers Submissions (3 videos)

Lost in Love

Project Greenlight Bio


Blood Martini

In The Bedroom, 13 Eps.

Love Triangle

Family Problem, S3. S4

Lungs, S3

The Body

The Race Card

Set Design, Prop Master

Production Design, 

Set Design, Prop Master

Set Design/Dress

Set Design/Dress

Set Dress, PM, Script Super,

Set Design/Dress

Set Design/Dress

Set Design, Set Dress, Props

Set Design, Set Dress

Set Design, Set Dressing

Script Supervisor

Set Design, Set Dressing

Set Design, Set Dressing

Set Desing, Set Dressing

Malik Maliki

Goldilocks Prod

Sensorium Pictures

Hart2Hart Prods

Sensorium Pictures

LTD Productions

Sensorium Pictures

Sensorium Pictures

William Jacques


Angelwood Pictures

Angelwood Pictures

Angelwood Pictures

Sensorium Pictures

Audrey Noone Prods.




Production design. set dressing, script supervisor, wait staff, receptionist, paralegal, secretary, database manager,retail clerk, telemarketer, teacher, sewing, knitting,jewelry desig


Profile Information

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):
Member's acting, voice or modeling website:
Member's age range:
51-55, 56-60, 61-65
Member's Affiliations:
Non Union
Portray-able or Actual Biological Look:
Caucasian / White
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5’9”
Eyes: Blue
Hair length: Medium-Long
Hair color: Gray, Salt-Pepper
Dress: 6
Waist: 27
Shoe: 10
Bust: 36
Hips: 34
Body Markings: None
Build or Body Style: Medium Build
Language Fluency: English
Portray-able Real-sounding Accents: N/A
Special Wardrobe: 1950s, 1960s, 1970s,1980s, 1990s, Nurse Scrubs
Member's Performance Skills:
Aerobics, Artist-painting, Badminton, Bocci Ball, Boogie Boarding, Bowling, Canoeing, Card Playing - Hearts, Card Playing - Rummy, Card Playing - Spades, Card Playing - Poker, Card Playing - Texas Hold 'em, Cycling, Driving - car, Driving - stick shift-standard, Equestrian - general, Ping-Pong, Running - general, Snow Skiing - general, Swimming - freestyle, Teleprompter, Volleyball - indoor (6 on 6), Volleyball - general ability, Whistler, Yoga
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
Gutterbug-Joan (Lead)-Dir. Andrew Gibson
Preceptarium-Mrs. H. (Lead) Dir-Brian Hanke Productions
Jason In the House-Mom (Lead)-Dir, Blu Frankel
Mute-Mother (Lead)-Dir. Ran Diao
Last Day-Elaine (Lead)-Connor King
Sophia - Sophia (Lead) - Dir. Lara Booth
Work In Progress-Mom (Lead)-Dir Ben Proulx
Offcuts-Woman (Lead)-Dir.Caitlin Brown
Smoke-Carol (Lead)-Dir. Benjamin Bradley Gilbert
Lost Lives - Julia (Lead) - Dir Steve Kozak
Flowers - Linda (Lead) - Dir Steven Day
Forgotten - Karen (Lead) - Dir Jenna Rigone
Love and Water - Mrs. Rook (Lead) - Dir Justin Bull
A Once and Future Thing - Janelle (Lead) - Dir. Ervan Norman
Here Lies Joe-Joan (Supporting) - Dir Mark Battle
Petrichor Stories-Joanne (Supporting)Dir.Jacob Bridgman
The CowboyMary (Supporting)Dir. Haley Daniels
Yard SaleMs. Sho (Supporting)Dir. Nick Santos
Tune In-Amy (Supporting)Dir. Nick Santos
Gridlock Mrs. Muncie (Supporting) Dir. Sabrina Jacobs
Letting Go – Sarah (Supporting) – Dir Jason Whittier
Three Witches – Witch 1 (Supporting) – Dir Sam Coale
The Wrong Todd - Dr. Lucas (Supporting) - Rob Schulbaum
Vault - Ms. Teller (Supporting) - Dir Chasen Parker
How The Whale Lost It's Legs & Returned to Sea – Elle (Supporting) - Dir Austin Hsieh
Consumed - Mrs. B (Supporting) - Dir Sloane Turner
Sophia’s Music Room – Teacher (Supporting) - Dir Jose Negron
Public Access Developer (Supporting) - Dir Caroline Sullivan
Model Rockets -Teacher (Supporting) - Dir Rachael Sampson
The Convict - Pam - (Supporting) - Dir Mark Battle
The Race Card - Joan - (Supporting) - Dir Audrey Noone
Half The History - trailer - Ann Moore (Supporting) - Dir Jennifer Burton
Belinda Royal’s Petition – Choren – Dir Jennifer Burton
Our Life In Make Believe - Bar Fly (Supporting) - Dir. Christopher Lang
The Audience - Greg’s Mom (Supporting) - Dir. Rory Gory
The Stoop - Rude Woman (Supporting) - Dir. Paul Medico
Murray goes to MassIFF - Passenger (Supporting) - Dir. Pam Severns
Sins of the Preacher - Mourner (Featured) - Dir. John Stimpson
The Ascendants, Raven - Resistance Fighter (Featured) - Dir. Don Schecter
The Judge - Courtroom Spectator - Dir. David Dobkin
American Hustle - Casino Patron - Dir. David O. Russell
Theory of Conflict - Board Member - Dir. Rahman Oladigbolu
Tan Vampires Music Video - Customer - Dir. Jeremy Collins
The Folklorist, Princess Caraboo – Mrs Neale (Supporting) Dir. Andrew Eldride
The Folklorist (Multiple Eps.) - Town Person - Dir Angela Harrer
The History Channel Pilot - Tour Guest (Supporting) - Half Yard Productions
One Tree Hill; S8,- Nurse (Recurring) - Dir. Joe Davola

Let Me Ask Ya A Question; S1 -Dave's mom (Lead) Dir. Dave Schweitzer
Fade to Reality; S4, S5 - Elaine(Lead) - Dir. Dave Schweitzer
Family Problems; S2, S3 - Detective Rogers (Recurring) - Dir Seth Chitwood
Red Circles; S4 - Dr. Lisa Zemba (Recurring) -Dir Seth Chitwood

COMMERCIAL - Conflicts available on request

Little Women - Josephine March - Carmichael Playhouse
I Feel - Dr. Talbert - Acting Out

Masque - Set Design/Set Dress/ Prop Master - Cate Carson
Cleave - Set Design/Set Dress/Prop Master - Cate Carson
Here Lies Joe – Set Dress – Mark Battle
Status Unknown – Set Design/Dress – Hart2 Hart Prods
Twilight Storytellers Submission – 3 videos – Set Design/Dress – Cate Carson
Lost in Love - Set Dress/Prop Master/Wardrobe/Scripty - Arsen Bortnik
District C-11 – 1 Set Dress – Wes Williams
Project Greenlight Bio Video - Set Dress - Cate Carson
Dark Light of Day – Set Dress – Raz Cunningham
Blood Martini - Set Dressing - Bill Jacques
In The Bedroom, 13 Episodes - Production Design - NECollaborative
Love Triangle - Script Supervisor - Angelwood Pictures
Family Problem, S3 & S4 - Set Design, Set Dressing - Angelwood Pictures
Lungs, S3 - Set Design, Set Dressing - Angelwood Pictures
The Body - Set Design, Set Dressing - Angelwood Pictures
The Race Card - Set Design, Set Dressing, Audrey Noone Productions
Training or acting classes (class name, teacher & where):
Improv, Level 1 – Jeremy Brothers - Improv Asylum
Meisner Technique, Intermediate - Richard C. Bailey - New England Actor's Workshop Meisner Technique, Level 1 - Richard C. Bailey - New England Actor's Workshop
Scene Study Workshop - Tom Todoroff - Tom Todoroff Studio
Scene Study Master Class - Steve Blackwood - Steve Blackwood Session
Intro to Improv – Dave Heard
Intro Police Training for Film - Trooper Mel Alejandro
Scene Study - Albert Chan - Aspiral Acting Studio
Nail That Audition - Angela Peri - Boston Casting
Cold Reading Workshop - Steve Blackwood - Steve Blackwood Session
Audition Workshop - Carolyn Pickman - CP Casting
Intro to Theater - California State University Sacramento
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
Work Experience: Set design, set dressing, script supervisor, wait staff, receptionist, paralegal, secretary, database manager,retail clerk, telemarketer, and teacher.

Hobbies: Hiking, photography, beading, designing jewelry and sewing.

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 4:22pm on November 27, 2015, Mark I Davies said…

Hi Mary,

Thanks for writing and for thinking of me for the role in the film JOY. I just applied today, and will see if I get any response. My home near Portland, ME may help?

Yes, I was an Extra last Monday, and may have managed to get in the scene of Ben's entrance into the hotel (3' from him). I thought I saw you, too, but didn't connect. Never seen so many Extras, and not sure I will sign up to be one again.

I am not yet on Facebook, despite all the advice I've been given... As long as I am busy acting I want to spend my time in other ways. Please keep in touch using my email:

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!


At 10:00am on June 25, 2015, Mark I Davies said…
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your nice comment on my role in the trailer for "Dream House".
I just morphed from cocaine addict two weeks ago to Protestant minister today. Doctor in German film for TV next week, so I am happy (I'd love to work in Europe).
Hope you are busy - all the best!
At 6:17pm on December 22, 2014, David W. Cook said…

Thanks so much.  I appreciate your thinking of me.

I did look into that one.  Too much time and distance for no money, Mary, but I connected him with LDI Casting in Providence.

Merry Christmas.



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