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New England
James Malcolm
  • Male
  • Weatogue, CT
  • United States
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Profile Information

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):
Phone: 978-604-1701
Member's acting, voice or modeling website:
Member's age range:
16-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35
Member's Affiliations:
Portray-able or Actual Biological Look:
Caucasian / White
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair length: medium, wavy
Hair color: Dark brown
Shirt: L
Inseam: 32
Waist: 32
Shoe: 12
Neck: 16
Body Markings: None
Build/body style: Average/slim
Special wardrobe: waiter uniform, ice hockey player, college grad,
Portrayable & believable accents or dialects (e.g. Southern, Chinese, Spanish, German, Boston, etc.):
Boston/New England
Member's Performance Skills:
Badminton, Baseball, Bicycling-general, Billiards-Pool, Body Surfing, Cycling, Driving - car, Frisbee - general, Frisbee - ultimate, Golf, Hiking, Host, Ice Hockey, Ice Skating, Impressionist, In-line Skating, Kayaker, Mountain Biking, Ping-Pong, Roller Hockey, Rollerblading, Running - general, Running - long distance, Running - sprint, Snow Skiing - general, Snowboarding, Surfing, Swimming - general ability, Teleprompter, Tennis, Trampoline, Track and Field - shot put, Track and Field - relay, Track and Field - sprinting, Voice Artist Only, Voices-characters, Weight Lifting
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
Principal Roles
CVS: "Health Therapy Counseling"......Patient......The Associated Press, 03/19/2023
ESI Design: "Verizon at the Hub"......Tech Worker......Paper Fortress Films, 02/18/2022
MA DPH: "Get Back Mass"......MA Resident......HF Industries, 10/06/2020
Detrapel: "Life is Messy"......Man......Detrapel, Inc., 09/03/2020
CHR Health: "What is CHR?"......Wellness Client......CHR Health, 02/04/2020
Avana Eyewear: "Eyeglasses"......Eyewear User......Avana Technologies, Inc., 01/20/2020
Connecticare: "Power in People"......Kitchen Worker......Element Productions, 10/04/2019
Westfield Bank: "Mortgage"......Homebuyer......Mondo Mediaworks, 06/13/2019
Keystone Light: "Free Rent"......College Guy......Yacht Club, 04/21/2019
BlueBird Self-Storage: "Life Changes"......Son......Spires Video Services, 11/09/2018
"Every Call from a Mechanic"......Jonathan (lead)......iSeeCars
Principal Roles
"Hostage 911" (S1E4: "The Hostage Fights Back")......Chad Austin......Investigation Discovery, 2023
"On the Case with Paula Zahn" (S17E10: "Buried Dreams").......David Leonard Wood.......Investigation Discovery, 2018
"Evil Lives Here" (S4E4: "Fear Thy Father").......Ron (Groom).......Investigation Discovery, 2018
The Brightons......Bobby......E.K.M. Watson, 2019
Principal Roles
EXPECTING......Man (Lead)......Sam Fortsch/7 Screaming Kids, 2023
THE KILLERS NEXT DOOR......Joey (Supporting)......Michael LoCicero/JL Pictures, 2023
RUBBERNECKING......Paramedic (Supporting)......E.K.M. Watson/Watson Productions, 2022
LIVE TRANSMISSION......Cooper (Supporting)......Justin Wood, 2022
THE INNER LOCK......Jason (Lead)......Jared Jorge/Jared Jorge Films, 2019
UNCANNY HARBOR......Arty (Supporting)......Nick Valaskatgis/Crashland Pictures, 2020
MEMORIA.......Jeromie (Lead).......G. Michael Fortin/Enue Studios, 2018
REPRISAL & BAPTISM.......Todd.......Joe Barlow/University of Rhode Island, 2018
TIME CAPSULE.......Kayaker.......Jackie Kern/J. Kern Productions, 2018
VIBRATION.......Jock 3.......Shawn Garrity, 2018
LETTERS FOR ANNIE: MEMORIES FROM WORLD WAR II.......Vic Lombardo (Supporting).......Joseph McGee, 2018
THE KIDS WE LOSE.......Teacher's Aide.......Lisa Wolfinger/Lone Wolf Media, 2018
BRITTANY.......Jake (Lead).......E.K.M. Watson/MassArt, 2018
THE STRANGER......Cameron (Lead)......Patrick Skeyhill/Quixotic United Productions, 2018
THE LOBSTER POT.......Hal (Lead).......Jasper Yeo, 2015
ADHD: "Treatments & Living"......Young Dad......Axon Communications, 2022
UMASS BOSTON: "Institute for Community Inclusion Case Study #3"......Employment Specialist......UMass Boston ICI, 2021
THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC: "FBS One-Shot Videos"......Frustrated Researcher, 2021
FENWAY HEALTH TRAINING: "Registration Desk"......Patient #1......McElroy Films, 2018
Spinning My Reality S1E3-S2E3......Jeremy Wilmington......Josh Leathe, 2018
High School S2E1 ("Prom")......Mugger......Emily Wood, 2018
Paragods ("The Incognito Incident")......Overdose Victim......Shawn Allen, 2017
Santina King - "Get to Me".......Boyfriend (Co-Lead).......Daniel Groom/ParaAct Entertainment, 2018
Fire Tiger - "Suddenly Heavenly"......Boy (Lead)......Rachel Napoliello, 2018
Training or acting classes (class name, teacher & where):
Sitcom Acting, Eric Lutes, School of Screen Acting at Boston Casting, 2023
Acting/Scene Study, Gail O'Grady, Hollywood Talks, 2022
Acting/Scene Study, Bill Stanitsas, HollywoodEast Talent, 2017-2019
Business of Acting, Julie Arvedon Knowlton, Slate Casting, 2017
Acting for the Camera, Michael Fennimore, Media Performance Institute at Boston Casting, 2016
Business of Acting, Julie Arvedon Knowlton, Slate Casting, 2017
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
Bar & restaurant work
Creative writing

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At 11:06am on October 26, 2019, John Fogle said…

Hi James- I'm directing and casting a production of I HATE HAMLET and searching for an actor to play the lead role Andrew Rally (25-35) – an actor, handsome and charming with the polished ease of a TV star, which he is.  Show plays Jan 10-26 at Marblehead Little Theatre, will rehearse in Marblehead, MA. Unpaid. Interested in discussing? My resume can be seen at Reply to

At 1:39pm on August 19, 2018, John Fogle said…

Hi James - 

I'm a director on the North Shore looking for a young actor - grad school age - for an October production of DEATHTRAP. Rehearsals to start immediately, show runs October 5-21 at Marblehead Little Theatre. My credits can be seen at

If interested, email me at Cheers!


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