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Charlotte Anne Dore
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Charlotte Anne Dore knows these actors:

  • John Campanello
  • Dan Marshall
  • Elaine Victoria Grey
  • Karen Scalia
  • Andrea L
  • Bill Mootos
  • Roy Souza
  • Michelle Falanga
  • Sheryl Faye
  • Russell J Gannon
  • Chris Conte
  • Bradley J. Van Dussen

Charlotte Anne Dore's Groups


Charlotte Anne Dore. Actor, Singer, Puppeteer

Charlotte Anne Dore's Videos

Profile Information

Member's contact info (email and phone or agent):
phone me on my cell 617-633-2832
or e-mail
puppet website
Member's acting, voice or modeling website:
Member's age range:
41-45, 46-50, 51-55
Member's Affiliations:
Portray-able or Actual Biological Look:
Caucasian / White
Member's PHYSICAL TRAITS (use format on the "Before Applying" page)
British Accent. 4ft 11inches tall. brown hair, hazel eyes, athletic, size 0,
Skills...Basic juggling. driving, did 3 years of karate a while back(although no longer in training). drawing/ sculpting, puppetry, mime,clowning,storytelling, singing. dancing,playing guitar,writing, acting,voice overs,improvisation. motion capture actor, animatronics
Search words listing: Singer, dancer, puppeteer, actor,actress,mime,guitar player,driver,writer, improviser, comic,clown,storyteller, historic interpreter,director, mask actor,song writer,children"s entertainer
Portrayable & believable accents or dialects (e.g. Southern, Chinese, Spanish, German, Boston, etc.):
British,Southern, Itallian,Russian, cockney, Irish, Scottish, standard American with a boston twinge.
Member's Performance Skills:
Aerobics, Artist-drawing, Artist-painting, Cry-on-Cue, Dance - hip hop, Dance - jazz, Dance -swing, Dance - robot, Diving, Guitar - 6 string, Guitar - electric, Host, Improvisation, Juggler - 3, Jump Rope, Mime, Running - general, Running - long distance, Singer - Alto, Singer - Soprano, Singer - Mezzo Soprano, Stage Combat, Voice Artist Only, Voices-characters
Recent noteworthy acting experience (use the format on the Before Applying page):
I have worked for mystery cafe for 24 years and continue to act/write and direct for them. Currently I can be seen in Murder Most Medeival on Saturdays as The Queen and Nun and in Badabingo as Francesca on select Fridays
Fall 2016 Landed the role of Mrs Kopechne in "Chappaquidick" and also filmed " Half Of History" playing the role of Elaine de Kooning.
I have recorded so far around 50 Audio Books for Blackstone Audio and Tantor media inc. Most recent book was Marry in Haste by Anne Gracie
Performed for First Night Boston Dec 31st 2012 and had a great write up in the Globe about my puppet company "Rosalita's Puppets"
In 2013 "Stiletto Singers" ( a group I founded) presented its signature musical variety show to audiences in Conneticut.
In 2011 I wrote a one act family musical performed by the singing group I founded with Becki Dennis "Stiletto Singers" and Rosalita's Puppets.
. In 2009 I worked with Oscar winner Tom Woodroff ( puppets and special effects on Alien) and ADI on the "Zookeeper" a Kevin James film. I worked 5 days as a puppeteer assisting the ADI team bring the animatronic gorilla to life.Hired each time as a dayplayer. I got to work the feet directly and then assist with the remote controls for the gorilla face.
In April 2009 I was seen acting as Elizabeth Hopkins in the series "We Shall remain" for PBS. . This show won an american scene award.If you click on episode one you have an option to watch that first episode where you'll see me and some other NE actors.
Worked 10 seasons with Ghost and gravestones a theatrical ghost tour in Boston based on storytelling.My image can be seen on a big trolley touring the city.
in 2012 worked for Cambridge Historical tours playing the role of " Elizabeth Cabot Carey Aggazis"
Fall 2013 created the marionettes and did the puppetry for a thesis film "Mommy Grew Wings". Spring 2014 created built my costume and played Ester in Ghost Tours another thesis project.
Training or acting classes (class name, teacher & where):
BA ( Hons ) in Creative Arts including acting and performance training in UK
Voice with John O'Neil, Classes in Animation at the Art Institute of Chicago, Actors Cold reading group.. Boston.
Other non-acting related work, hobbies or charities (not skills) in which this actor is involved (1 or 2 word descriptions):
Puppets but they are all under the same umbrella. I build the puppets too. Oh and I do write and direct murder mysteries. Other hobbies Dance. Music. sketching, costume design,painting, sewing,shopping, vintage clothing collecting, going to museums,playing music and watching my husbands band perform and being his roadie.
VOICE ARTISTS ONLY [you must have a professional demo to upload]: illustrative 1-word descriptions for this actor's voice (e.g. conversational, announcer, warm, etc.):
Authentic British accent. English accent, cockney accent, Irish accent, Itallian accent. My authentic British accent is great for historical and museum stuff.Southern dialect. Voice quality business.Descriptive. I also sing in following ranges Soprano, Alto, Mezzo- belt. Good at singing harmonies. great for narratives and books.

Voice Files:

Charlotte Dore spy museum
  • 1.
    Charlotte Dore spy museum
  • 2.
    Charlotte Dore as a proper victorian
  • 3.
    Charlotte Dore - lucky charms
  • 4.
    Charlotte Dore comic american
  • 5.
    Charlotte Dore comic american

Performance Updates: recent acting endeavors, gigs or auditions:

Charlotte Anne Dore posted a performing update
"Completed another Audio book called Marry in Haste by Anne Gracie. Will be available soon ( I think a May release)"
Apr 13, 2017
Charlotte Anne Dore posted a performing update
"Performing at Boston's Outside the box festival 2016 with " Rachel Skullcap lady Pirate."
Jul 12, 2016
Charlotte Anne Dore posted a performing update
"2015 saw Charlotte record 12 Audio Books. including books by Tasha Alexander, Jade Lee, Suzanna Dunn and MA Comley"
Dec 29, 2015
Charlotte Anne Dore posted a performing update
"Last week completed another audio book"
Apr 1, 2014
Charlotte Anne Dore posted a performing update
"New headshots arrived today. Thanks to Pinwen Lien. if you like her work you can reach her at"
Mar 18, 2013
Charlotte Anne Dore posted a performing update
"Auditioned for a student film today."
Feb 28, 2013


 AEA, SAG- AFTRA, Puppeteers of America.


4’11” size 0 , hazel eyes, brown hair,100lbs  for more see


THEATER CREDITS (selection only)

I Capture the Castle                        Miss Marcy                   Stoneham Theatre

The  Three Singing Princesses      Coda and narrator         Rosalita’s puppets

Marriage Can be Murder                 Ima Pitch                      Mystery Café (cruise)

The Mobfather                                 Nana                             Mystery Café

Candidate for Murder                      Philipa Flip /Agent        CTP (gourmet detective)

Miss Marples attends a matinee     Miss Marples             QEII Players (theatre marathon)

Death By Disco                               Vickie Velveeta (diva singer) Comedy Theatre

The Importance of Being Earnest   Cecily Cardew                Worcester Foothills Theatre

The Mikado                                      Peep-Bo                         American Stage Festival

Hobson’s  Choice                        Maggie Hobson             Summer Theatre at Mt. Holyoke

The Fabulous Forties                  Sally Right Comedy            Theatre Productions

The Playboy of the Western World   Sara Tansey                  Lyric Stage Co.

Are You Ready My Sister             3 Quaker women             Underground Railway Theatre

The Music Man                           Teen Ensemble                  N.H. Performing Arts Center

Blithe Spirit                                   Edith                                    Harbor Theatre Festival

Oedipus Rex                                 Chorus                               Lyric Stage Co.

Forever Vaudeville                       Engenue                            Darlyne Franklin Productions

One is...The Other Isn't                 Multi singer                       Centastage

The Crucible                                   Betty Parris                Palace Theatre, Manchester NH

The Wake of Matty O'Malley        Bridey O'Malley             Darlyne Franklin Productions

It runs In the Family                     Mother & Nurse              Quincy Dinner Theatre

The Brightest Night                         Jester                           Light & Song Inc.

Pippin                                           Fastrata                          Pump House Theatre  (UK)

Can't Pay Won't Pay                     Antonia                              Watford Youth Theatre (UK)

Godspell                                    Da Vinci/Ensemble                Pump House Theatre (UK)

Dick Whittington                        Milkmaid/Chorus                   Watersmeat Theatre (UK)

Spring Awakening                       Wendla                               Watford Palace Theatre (UK)

Midsummer Night's Dream          Oberon                               Watford Palace Theatre (UK)

Traces In Sea                               Narrator                             Theatre Nova (Touring) (UK)

Musichall Review                           Daisy                        Meadowhall Performers Co. (UK )



The Soldiers wife                            narrator                                  Audio Go

A Place in the country                     narrator                                 Audio Go

 The hand Your  dealt.             Wilma  Wetherby                              SAG gar productions

Zookeeper                              Puppeteer ( day player)                     Zookeeper prod.

Grown Ups                              Stand in (over 40 days)                    Lakehouse prod

We shall remain                     Elizabeth Hopkins                              WGBH

The Box (with Cameron Diaz) Walter  (stand in/photo double)          Utopia Planitia prod

Shutter Island                         Core mental patient                          Paramount

Educational Video Teen,           teacher & neighbor                         Freelance Players Inc.

Re-Action (Boston Emmy winner) Teen & parent (principle)       Foul Weather Prod. For WGBH

Open Wide (student short)              Alice (lead)                             Star shaped Japan prod

PSA for CNN World Bank              Narrator for 13 slots                  Element

New Man                                         Lotte                                        Watford Youth Theatre

Ad. for Zodiac Arts                          Announcer                                 Heatwave Radio

Keep In Touch                                  Presenter                               Hospital Radio Training

Shadow Puppet Making                  Demonstrator                          Meadowhall Television

Ad. for Witch Dungeon Museum     Voice over                               Time Warner Cable

Order & Elegance Exhibit               Voice over                             Peabody Essex Museum

Halloween ghost stories                   Narrator                                             WBACH


OTHER SKILLS AND SPECIALITES: Mime/clowning, puppetry,  improv, karate & African dance, hip hop, storytelling, drawing, playing guitar, meet and greet character events & museum/interactive theatre. Have worked at:  Ghosts & gravestones, Witch Dungeon Museum, Peabody Essex Museum, Science Museum, Transport Museum, King Richard’s Faire, the Robin Hood Faire & Urban Improv.  Acted in over 25  productions for Comedy Theater .  I have  also written and cast for CTP.  Mass. drivers’ license.  Background artist on many films. Owner of Rosalita’s puppets and many historic costumes, from flappers to colonial.       Puppetry website

Dialects: Standard British, Cockney, Irish Brogue, British North Country, Mid Atlantic & Southern USA.

INTERNSHIPS: National Youth Theatre of Great Britain, Unicorn Children's Theatre, Half Moon Young People's Theatre., Greenwich Young People's Theatre,  Movingstage  Marionette Co.

TRAINING: B.A. (Honors) in Creative Art (Theatre Major) from Nottingham Trent University U.K. Studied dance, animation & performance at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Theatre/performance instructors: Rowland Miller, Fiona Branson, Nigel Stewart, Nancy Brown, Robert Campbell & Sandy Strallen. Voice tutors; Paul Newham, John O'Neil, Annabelle Graetez & John Labella. African Dance: Kofi Leo and Theresa Swain.                            Founder of Stiletto Singers. go to

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 9:11pm on November 10, 2011, Molly Kelleher said…

Hi Charlotte!  I'm hosting a TV show for kids and they are looking for a puppeteer to be on one episode.  Let me know if you are interested and I'll get you the info.  So lovely to see you!  How is everything going?



At 11:28am on July 19, 2011, Lau Lapides said…

Next Step New York Voice Over Showcase Auditions !


lau lapides company presents Next Step New York Voice Over Showcase. This unique, all inclusive program will put you in front of top New York Agents to Showcase your talents. A highlight of this exceptional program will be an opportunity to prepare for the Showcase with our New York City partners as well as the best trainers and coaches New England has to offer!  All preparation will take place at lau lapides company in Wellesley, MA. Actors will then be escorted by lau lapides company representatives to New York City to Showcase for top Voice Over industry agents.


We are seeking professionally minded Voice Over Talent who have interest in working in New York.

At 9:31am on April 6, 2011, Barbara Guertin said…
I know someone looking for a Mime for a Bat Mitzvah.  If interested, please email  Thanks.
At 5:19pm on February 15, 2011, Rita Parisi said…
Love the new pics Charlotte. The one with the big hair and the doll just freaks me out!
At 4:35pm on February 23, 2009, Becki Dennis said…
Thanks, Charlotte! StrawHats records auditions now and offers them to actors at a reasonable price.
Nice to see you last night!
At 9:22pm on February 18, 2009, Rita Parisi said…
Charlotte, I haven't received mine yet.
At 10:35am on September 20, 2008,
NYC & New England
Bradley J. Van Dussen
I sent an email to the group that operates the Pirate Faire...i was hoping I could be a prirate...! Maybe next year?b Arrgh!
At 7:03pm on August 12, 2008, Roy Souza said…
Nothing like wearing heavy wool in August! I hope they were kind enough to throw you a little bump for that. And I'm happy to report "We Got the Beat" is in it's final week of shooting.
At 6:15am on August 11, 2008, Sheryl Faye said…
I agree. We should keep it in. Great photos of you!
At 7:50pm on July 14, 2008, Jape Payette said…
Hi Charlotte
I haven't seen your message you sent me yet

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